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General Support for Myibidder service
General Myibidder support
Didn't Win - Out of Seller's Stated Selling Country - BUT Fri Nov 07, 2008 07:13 PM Quote

I lost an auction 230304056255 because I was not in the stated countries the seller would ship to, BUT I did contact the seller beforehand, and he was perfectly OK shipping to me. So, I did the proper thing, but myibay did not allow my bid without warning. Is it a good idea to police the bidding so strongly, when myibay cannot know every contingency? Also, there is no statement of which I am aware that myibay will disallow a bid in this way, except in the case of accepting PayPal (must have a PayPal account, if this is specified? Are there other stipulations I should be aware of?

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 Fri Nov 07, 2008 07:30 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

autobrain wrote:
I lost an auction 230304056255 because I was not in the stated countries the seller would ship to, BUT I did contact the seller beforehand, and he was perfectly OK shipping to me.

Being perfectly OK for the seller is not enough.
The seller must either remove this restrictions from his/her auctions or add you to the exceptions list of bidders who is allowed to bid.

autobrain wrote:
So, I did the proper thing, but myibay did not allow my bid without warning. Is it a good idea to police the bidding so strongly, when myibay cannot know every contingency? Also, there is no statement of which I am aware that myibay will disallow a bid in this way, except in the case of accepting PayPal (must have a PayPal account, if this is specified? Are there other stipulations I should be aware of?

eBay refused your bid so myibay reported you the error which was produced by eBay.
Please note that myibay does not do any restrictions like this (there is no reason for that).
It's not myibay who decide, eBay does it.

Please ask the seller why this restriction is on those auctions and if he/she can add you to the exceptions list.

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