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Myibidder Support for Web-based service
Web-based interface support
Snipe Column Colors Sat Dec 20, 2008 12:42 AM Quote
Posts: 7
Member Since: Nov 15, 2008

When I first started using the web based interface, the colors in the "snipe" column made it very easy to tell at a glance whether or not my snipe was still higher than the current bid and also whether or not I had won at the end of the auction. Green = still winning or won. Red = not winning or not won. Or maybe there was a yellow color too? Can't remember. But lately it seems the colors have been going crazy, being green at the end of an auction when I hadn't won anything or as I am experiencing at this moment, being red when my snipe is higher than the current bid. The auction I'm referring to has a current bid of .99 and my snipe is $10.05, but it is in red like it is too low...? What's going on here? Will this have any effect on my snipe at the end of the auction? Just wondering...


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 Sat Dec 20, 2008 02:11 AM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Red color = snipe is active (did not win if ended).
Green color = you won.
Yellow = your snipe is lower than the current bid.

Red color was there since day 1, the other colors were added about a year ago or so.

The colors will not affect your snipe, it's for your convenience only.
The red color for your scheduled snipe is normal and expected so you are fine here.

Please feel free to contact me if you have more questions or need more information.

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 Sat Dec 20, 2008 02:34 AM Quote
Posts: 7
Member Since: Nov 15, 2008

Okay... So it's me going crazy and not the colors... LOL Thanks for setting me straight.


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