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General Support for Myibidder service
Comments, Suggestions and Ideas
Two suggestions for the (Firefox) snipe addon Mon Jan 12, 2009 08:19 AM Quote
Posts: 1
Member Since: Jan 12, 2009

Hi and first of all thanks for the service. Has worked great for me many times already!

Here's my two little suggestions for the (Firefox) snipe button/addon:

1st, since I use the Group feature a lot for sniping one of many identical items offered on eBay, for adding all those identical items to one group it would be GREAT if the snipe addon popup window would remember the last group settings and price! At present, for each item I have to enter the (same) price and make the (same) group settings over and over again.

2nd, for some of the non-english speaking users of (e.g. german users), it would be beneficial if the comma "," would be accepted as decimal point when entering the snipe price. With the German keyboard layout, you get a comma not a decimal point if you enter decimal numbers on the numpad. Also, the comma "," is the official decimal separator at least for Germany.

Thanks already for consideration of these two little feature requests that would improve usability even more,

Cheers David.P

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 Mon Jan 12, 2009 02:32 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Welcome to our forums David.

p.david wrote:
1st, since I use the Group feature a lot for sniping one of many identical items offered on eBay, for adding all those identical items to one group it would be GREAT if the snipe addon popup window would remember the last group settings and price!

I had it in the past, but many more users started to complain that it's not usable as they add to random groups everytime or no group at all.
Anyway, maybe I'll add an option to remember that. I'll think about it.

p.david wrote:
2nd, for some of the non-english speaking users of (e.g. german users), it would be beneficial if the comma "," would be accepted as decimal point when entering the snipe price.

Agree. I'll see what I can do about it.

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