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General Myibidder support
Bid lost as i was higher, current bids not updated... Is snipe-it working for someone here ? Tue Jan 13, 2009 07:00 PM Quote

Darn !

I have lost several bids and i wasn;t sure it was my fault but now i'm sure it is snipe-it !!!

Last in date, item : 230319187222
Ended at $200 as my snipe was $211.98.

If your system worked i should have win that one ! :(

Thanks for nothing !

By the way part of current bids (if not all) are not update with actual ebay bids !

This is also not very nice !

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 Tue Jan 13, 2009 08:40 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

It's not enough to have your snipe higher, you also have to meet eBay and seller's requirements in order to win.

If you look at your snipe status, you will see the following:
"You are registered in a country to which the seller doesn't ship".
That means that the seller put a requirement to not allow bidders who are registered in other countries to which this seller does not ship.

Regarding current bid field.. Please check this FAQ section for more information:

The only way to work around it is to contact the seller and ask to be added to the exception list of allowed bidders.

Feel free to ask if you have more questions or need more information.

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 Tue Jan 13, 2009 09:10 PM Quote

Hello Sashka,

I don't know where is this snipe status you are talking about.

What i DO KNOW is that my shipping address is set for USA and that the seller is in USA. As far as i bought from ebay, i never see a seller that doesn't ship in his own country. BUT i could be wrong and i really curious about the snipe status.

Note that from now on i will place a first bid to be sure there is no such problem.

For "the snipe status" and for the current bid updated only 1-2 times a day i think a warning should placed it somewhere the user is looking (like in the buying items panel).

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 Tue Jan 13, 2009 09:52 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

bsfez wrote:
I don't know where is this snipe status you are talking about.

You can find it by loggin in into myibay and clicking "Snipe" button next to auction you want to see the status.
You will see "My Status" field right under your snipe.

bsfez wrote:
What i DO KNOW is that my shipping address is set for USA and that the seller is in USA.

It's not your shipping address, it's "You are registered in a country to which the seller doesn't ship". That means your registration is not in US. That's the seller's requirements.

bsfez wrote:
Note that from now on i will place a first bid to be sure there is no such problem.

That's a very good idea and I always suggest it to International bidders when they bid on auction from other countries.

bsfez wrote:
For "the snipe status" and for the current bid updated only 1-2 times a day i think a warning should placed it somewhere the user is looking (like in the buying items panel).

It used to be something like that, but it did not help :-)
The good thing, once users realized that then it's not a problem.
Hard core snipers don't care about current bid anyway.

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 Tue Jan 13, 2009 10:13 PM Quote

You can find it by loggin in into myibay and clicking "Snipe" button next to auction you want to see the status.
You will see "My Status" field right under your snipe.


On i can see blue "Snipe" button at the end of the line for each auction.

When i click on it i see 3 boxes:
My auction information
My Snipe
Help and Hints

I don't see anything that look like "My Status"
Note that i'm on Mac leopard 10.5.6 and Fifefox 3.0.5.

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 Tue Jan 13, 2009 10:38 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

You should see your status in "My Snipe" box under "My Time" field.
Are you sure that you are checking a completed sniped item?

Note that i'm on Mac leopard 10.5.6 and Fifefox 3.0.5.

That should not matter.

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 Wed Jan 14, 2009 05:49 AM Quote


Now i see this field.
8 hours ago it wasn't there i can swear !

Now i see the "My status" field appearing on some of my auction warning about Paypal account, country registration. On some other the field is not displayed (should be displayed with "everything is ok" input i think).

Too bad i haven't take a screenshot.
Happy to help upgrading your services. ;)


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 Wed Jan 14, 2009 05:56 AM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

The "My Status" field is available on items you sniped only.
If you did not snipe, it won't be visible. If it did not end, it won't be available as well.
My guess is that you opened auctions which you did not snipe (or not ended auctions).

This field is getting updated when auction finished only. It does not get updated any other time so it may give you an idea why you did not see it before.

Anyway, thanks for follow up and good luck sniping!

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