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Myibidder Support for Web-based service
Web-based interface support
price not updating? Sat Mar 07, 2009 05:31 PM Quote
Posts: 12
Member Since: Mar 07, 2009

For the current bid field, it is not updating..

Does it check for new prices every 2 hours or something?

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 Sat Mar 07, 2009 07:48 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Current bid is updated at different periods of time.
Please check this FAQ for more information:

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 Sat Mar 07, 2009 08:33 PM Quote
Posts: 12
Member Since: Mar 07, 2009

Sashka wrote:
Current bid is updated at different periods of time.
Please check this FAQ for more information:

Ok but I really think you guys should make it so it refreshes the current price when you hit "Update Status"

The only reason I am so concerned is because what if you REALLY want an item and you think it will go nowhere over $5 so you make your max bid like $6.. But then somebody bids $8, you are screwed if you don't check the actual ebay auction..

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 Sat Mar 07, 2009 08:39 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

cory94bailly wrote:
The only reason I am so concerned is because what if you REALLY want an item and you think it will go nowhere over $5 so you make your max bid like $6.. But then somebody bids $8, you are screwed if you don't check the actual ebay auction..

Of course. The highest bidders wins.
If you want to pay $6 as your max, but someone else want to pay $8, then you lost. What's current bid field has to do with it?
If you want to pay $10 and not $6, then put $10 as your max. Why would you put $6 instead of $10 then?
Always put your max. If $6 is your max, then let it go to someone else. You either get a good deal, or someone else is paying too much. You control your max, does not matter what's the current bid.

If you simply want to win an item at ANY price, then you should not use sniper. Just bid as high as possible and wait until auction finished.

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 Tue Aug 18, 2009 12:31 AM Quote

Sashka wrote:
Of course. The highest bidders wins.
If you want to pay $6 as your max, but someone else want to pay $8, then you lost. What's current bid field has to do with it?
If you want to pay $10 and not $6, then put $10 as your max. Why would you put $6 instead of $10 then?
Always put your max. If $6 is your max, then let it go to someone else. You either get a good deal, or someone else is paying too much. You control your max, does not matter what's the current bid.

If you simply want to win an item at ANY price, then you should not use sniper. Just bid as high as possible and wait until auction finished.

Unfortunately, this simply shows a lack of understanding of how the user uses sniping software and how user psychology works. I agree with cory94bailly. This is very important to me as well.

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 Tue Aug 18, 2009 12:34 AM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Unfortunately, this simply shows a lack of understanding of how the user uses sniping software and how user psychology works. I agree with cory94bailly. This is very important to me as well.

Maybe you are right. Could you please give me more information on how user uses sniping software so I can get a better picture?

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