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Myibidder Support for Web-based service
Web-based interface support
Error: Status from eBay: Could not win (80): Sign in or register to continue Tue Mar 10, 2009 09:08 PM Quote

this is the myibay message after snipe:
The following bid was placed per your request:
2 Pro-Studioleuchten +360W Tageslicht+ Stative+ Schirme
Amount: 119.00
Status from eBay: Could not win (80): Sign in or register to continue

No bid was placed!

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 Tue Mar 10, 2009 10:06 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Error 80 means that eBay did not provide any error message so we can only guess here.

Based on my own experience, that usually happens for one of the following reasons:

1. Your password is considered to be too weak by eBay (too short or has some part of your eBay user id in it).
Please check the following forum thread for more information:

2. The item or your account is restricted. For example, there was an issue when eBay did not allow bidding on knives from UK bidders. They had some set of keywords which were restricted.

3. You logged in into your account from another PC during this moment.

It could be also that eBay servers were too overloaded to accept your bid, but that's rare.

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