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General Support for Myibidder service
Comments, Suggestions and Ideas
Idea: Shipping Thu Mar 19, 2009 05:25 AM Quote
Posts: 2
Member Since: Mar 19, 2009

Can you please

1. Add Shipping column.

2. Automaticaly maximum Price+Shipping bid for whole group.
i need to check shipping for every item and calculate bid.

at least Shipping column save me lots of time

Last edited on Thu Mar 19, 2009 05:26 AM.
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 Thu Mar 19, 2009 05:34 AM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Welcome to our forums.

1. Shipping column is currently available in Windows application:
Click View - Columns

2. Your maximum bid does not mean that it will be your winning bid so your snipe + shipping is not real and might be way too far from the real value.
I put shipping just to give you an estimate (you must double-check shipping after all anyway).

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 Thu Mar 19, 2009 06:16 AM Quote
Posts: 2
Member Since: Mar 19, 2009

oh, thanks, i did not see it.
but shipping based on zip code not dispalayed

and now i bidding to 50 items
i goint to pay $50, for every item i need to enter $50-shipping snipe.

why not to do it automatically?
also option "get second for half price",
after winnit one item for $50, i want second for maximum $40

idea 2, subgroups. for example i need to buy 1GB memory card and 2GB memory card.
Group: memory cards
Sub group1: 2GB, priority 1, items to buy 1, $20
Sub group2: 1GB, prioroty 2, items to buy 1, $15

if i won one 2GB card, your server will automaticaly bid with $15 maximum bid to 1GB and 2GB cards.


Last edited on Thu Mar 19, 2009 06:17 AM.
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 Thu Mar 19, 2009 03:03 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

alex6999 wrote:
but shipping based on zip code not dispalayed

Shipping based on zip is a dynamic data and it adds a lot of overhead to extract it. It's in my ToDo list, but I still don't know if it will be added, I still need to experiment it to see how much of this overhead is added.

alex6999 wrote:
and now i bidding to 50 items
i goint to pay $50, for every item i need to enter $50-shipping snipe.

why not to do it automatically?

If you want to bid on 50 items, you will have to set your snipe for all 50 items. I want you to check that this is the amount you want to snipe, I don't want to make it automatic as many users will complain that they did not want to bid so high.
Sometimes items differs in configuration, shipping charges, color and other parameters which may reflect your bid amount. I want user to set their max, not the system. This way you know that it's under your control only.

alex6999 wrote:
also option "get second for half price",
after winnit one item for $50, i want second for maximum $40

idea 2, subgroups. for example i need to buy 1GB memory card and 2GB memory card.
Group: memory cards
Sub group1: 2GB, priority 1, items to buy 1, $20
Sub group2: 1GB, prioroty 2, items to buy 1, $15

if i won one 2GB card, your server will automaticaly bid with $15 maximum bid to 1GB and 2GB cards.

I was thinking about such a group logic, but it will add an extra complication and confusion for most (about 80%) of the users.
I _may_ implement it in Windows application, but not in Web based version.

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