Did not snipe, no reason see for failure | Thu May 07, 2009 01:42 AM | |  |
fnbrowning |
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Member Since: May 07, 2009 |
Location: Missouri |
I used your web-based interface for the first time the evening. I placed my snipe bid from inside FireFox over 24 hours before the end of auction.
The auction ended without my bid being placed, even though I used the default 6 seconds, and my bid was $99.00 over the winning bid! I have dozens of feedbacks with a 100% rating, so there's nothing wrong with my eBay account.
I've double-checked the item number and description.
This auction meant a lot to me, and I cannot assume that I'll ever have another chance at such an item again. What can I do to trust your web-based snipping add-on?
| Thu May 07, 2009 03:31 AM | |  |
Sashka |
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| Thu May 07, 2009 02:50 PM | |  |
fnbrowning |
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Posts: 3 |
Member Since: May 07, 2009 |
Location: Missouri |
>>"If you set up your snipe but don't see your bid placed, that means that you either did not meet eBay's or seller's requirements."<<
Oh - believe me, my eBay rep is 100% and there were no seller's req's I did not meet. We have to look somewhere else!
>>"If you want me to check it for you, please provide your item number and eBay user id."<<
Private contact message sent morning of May 7th.
| Thu May 07, 2009 03:38 PM | |  |
Sashka |
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Location: www.myibidder.com |
I responded there, but I'll copy my message here as well.
You never added that item in your list and you never set a snipe on it so that's why the bid never was placed.
It's not an eBay's or seller's requirement in this case.
In the future, please check that you actually added an item and set a snipe amount for it.
| Thu May 07, 2009 05:21 PM | |  |
fnbrowning |
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Member Since: May 07, 2009 |
Location: Missouri |
I apologize. I got completely mixed up regarding two auctions. My bad, and thanks for checking into the issue.