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General Support for Myibidder service
General Myibidder support
Archiving & item management Mon Jul 27, 2009 10:35 AM Quote
Mike Maughan
Posts: 4
Member Since: May 08, 2009
Location: UK

Morning all,

I use the web-based myibay service & am very glad to have it, thank you.

One of the perhaps unintended benefits for me is the ability to refer to a watching & bidding history well beyond that of eBay, invaluable when looking a price trends etc. The downside is that my main item listing is getting longer & longer & slower & slower :(

1) does the myibay web version do any automatic data housekeeping? It seems as though I have lost some of my older items but that could be just my memory.

2) is there a way of exporting the item list out into something like csv so I can keep my history offline? I have been grabbing the item list using a FireFox table addon which works OK but the resulting spreadsheets are lardy with all the widgets I don't need to keep in an archive.

3) as a history/archive medium I would benefit greatly from the actual bid & sale prices being updated as the item auctions progress. I guess that would means a full update of watching & watched items into myibay instead of just new watched items, but it seems like you are already doing most of the data work already?

Any thoughts?

Regards, Mike

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 Mon Jul 27, 2009 01:26 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Hello Mike.

1) Yes, it does some housekeeping stuff -- all items older than 6 months or so will be removed in order to keep the service working fast.

2) The Windows software can export into xml format if xml is good for you:

3) The real-time update is technically impossible. However, there is 1-2 per day update for active items which are ending within 1 day or so. The update is done on low-priority and depends on how busy are the servers:

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Archiving et al Mon Jul 27, 2009 01:52 PM Quote
Mike Maughan
Posts: 4
Member Since: May 08, 2009
Location: UK

Sashka wrote:

1) Yes, it does some housekeeping stuff -- all items older than 6 months or so will be removed in order to keep the service working fast.

Makes sense.

Sashka wrote:

2) The Windows software can export into xml format if xml is good for you:

I started out trialling the Windoze tool but I had problems with it missing snipes (down, I think, to my patchy broadband service). The export is fine but not if the tool doesn't work for me :(

Sashka wrote:

3) The real-time update is technically impossible. However, there is 1-2 per day update for active items which are ending within 1 day or so. The update is done on low-priority and depends on how busy are the servers

Sorry, I wasn't clear enough here. I explicitly update by tracked items when I have processed my eBay searches, and it is to this "on demand" service I was looking for additions to keep the sold prices updated.

Is it still possible to look at these two areas of update?
1) all watched prices are updated "on demand", perhaps with a filter to exclude all those over say 1 week since the end of auction?
2) an option via the web service to download the watched items list in csv/xml/whatever, ideally with a "download & delete" option?

Regards, Mike

PS still a damned good tool :)

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 Mon Jul 27, 2009 04:44 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Mike Maughan wrote:
2) I started out trialling the Windoze tool but I had problems with it missing snipes (down, I think, to my patchy broadband service). The export is fine but not if the tool doesn't work for me :(

It has nothing to do with your broadband service as the software is just a client for the server-based snipe. It was probably some other reason (you can check in My Status field in the Snipe window).

Sashka wrote:
Is it still possible to look at these two areas of update?
1) all watched prices are updated "on demand", perhaps with a filter to exclude all those over say 1 week since the end of auction?
2) an option via the web service to download the watched items list in csv/xml/whatever, ideally with a "download & delete" option?

I think I got what you meant. I added it to the ToDo list. Can't give you any ETA on it, but I think it's useful and so will be implemented.
Thank you for your suggestion.

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