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General Support for Myibidder service
General Myibidder support
how do I know myibay is working? Mon Nov 16, 2009 08:49 PM Quote
Posts: 1
Member Since: Nov 16, 2009

I created a group and placed similar items in the group. I indicated I want to win 2 items but I see no place to indicate the same price for all the items included in the group. Must I manually put a individual price on each item for my snipe to work and win 2 auctions or can I place it once to cover all items?

I'm confused.

Then is their any way to check that there is actual activity, that the program is actively watching and placing bids when possible, like a group properties option? I want to know that this actually works before I purchase your software.


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 Mon Nov 16, 2009 09:14 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Welcome to our forums PawBear.

PawBear wrote:
I created a group and placed similar items in the group. I indicated I want to win 2 items but I see no place to indicate the same price for all the items included in the group. Must I manually put a individual price on each item for my snipe to work and win 2 auctions or can I place it once to cover all items?

Yes, you are right. You have to specify a snipe amount for each item in the group (some items may have a different shipping, conditions, etc -- that will affect your maximum bid amount).

PawBear wrote:
Then is their any way to check that there is actual activity, that the program is actively watching and placing bids when possible, like a group properties option? I want to know that this actually works before I purchase your software.

The Windows application is fully functional for 30 days. You can put real bids and win real auctions while using it.
This is the best way to check it out and find out how it works for you before buying it.

P.S.: When testing, please make sure that you give enough time for the snipe to bid:

Last edited on Mon Nov 16, 2009 09:14 PM.
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