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General Support for Myibidder service
General Myibidder support
"You are registered in a country to which the seller doesn't ship" Thu Jan 14, 2010 09:28 PM Quote

Hi! First of all congratulations for your extremely good software and site.
I've been experiencing a few problems that I think it could be some kind of bug.
In this auction 180453684930 I got this message:
"You are registered in a country to which the seller doesn't ship".
It's not the first time I got this message and I clearly understand what it means but in this case I've tried to make a "normal" bid to this user and ebay accepted it (there are cases that ebay doesn't even accept bids because the seller only ship to residence country).
So I think this is a mistake. Myibay shouldn't accept bids only if ebay doesn't accept them too. And that is not what is hapenning. I've been loosing a couple of auctions because of this.
Thank you for attention.
Keep up the good work.
Best regards

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 Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:41 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

> Myibay shouldn't accept bids only if ebay doesn't accept them too.
That's exactly how it works. Myibay accepts all bids no matter what. That message came from eBay directly and forwarded to you so you know what happened.

I just checked this item number and I don't see where you made a "normal" bid. You are not in the bid history.
It seems like you place a bid on another item and got confused.

I'm sorry if I'll repeat myself, but I just want to bring your attention that this message came from eBay directly because your bid was refused by eBay.
You should always place a manual minimum bid to see if your bid goes through when not sure about seller's requirements.
If it's refused, you can always contact the seller and work this out so you will be allowed to bid.

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 Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:53 PM Quote

Thank you for your support Sahka.
You're right, copy paste the wrong item number. I've tried to make a normal bid in another item from the same seller (180453630462) nd ebay accepted it. I tried to make an myibay bid in the same item and did't win because the bid was too low.
But te point is that ebay accepted a normal bid for this seller in another item so I assume it should accept for all items as the seller does block buyers from other countries, right?
Thank you for your attention

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 Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:54 PM Quote

I meant to say "doesn't block".

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 Thu Jan 14, 2010 11:10 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

brazookka wrote:
But te point is that ebay accepted a normal bid for this seller in another item so I assume it should accept for all items as the seller does block buyers from other countries, right?

A seller can put restriction on each item individually.
For example, I can have some items which I'll be able to ship World-wide, and some items which are too heavy to ship it World-wide so I can set another set of requirements on those.

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 Thu Jan 14, 2010 11:20 PM Quote

I've just sent that question to the seller. Because in my opinion it's strange that the selle bblocks some items that are even smaller and potential easier to ship than other items that he doesn't block. Anyway, I'll let you know when he answer me.
Thank you once again

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 Wed Mar 31, 2010 12:36 AM Quote
Posts: 1
Member Since: Mar 31, 2010

A seller can put restriction on each item individually.
For example, I can have some items which I'll be able to ship World-wide, and some items which are too heavy to ship it World-wide so I can set another set of requirements on those.

That´s not true. You can only block bidders from locations you do not ship to as a general rule for all auctions on ebay - not individually.
In fact this is a bug in your software. I´ve missed auctions due to this from seller I know for a fact hasn´t a blocking since I´ve won from him in the past with another software and there´s no problem placing bids manually on his auctions either( I have also asked him directly). I believe you should look into this since it´s very disturbing and I very often bid on auctions where my country isn´t included under ships to.

Please don´t tell me that "I see no bidding from you on that auction" - look into this instead.

One example:


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 Wed Mar 31, 2010 01:00 AM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

auctionsneaker wrote:

A seller can put restriction on each item individually.
For example, I can have some items which I'll be able to ship World-wide, and some items which are too heavy to ship it World-wide so I can set another set of requirements on those.

That´s not true. You can only block bidders from locations you do not ship to as a general rule for all auctions on ebay - not individually.

I'm sorry, but you are mistaken on that. You can do it individually for every listing.
Many sellers do not sell the same item over and over again, they may sell completely different kinds of items and so put different restrictions on every listing.
I sell on eBay for many years and use it from time to time.
If you are not familiar with selling on eBay, please feel free to check it out.

auctionsneaker wrote:
In fact this is a bug in your software. I´ve missed auctions due to this from seller I know for a fact hasn´t a blocking since I´ve won from him in the past with another software and there´s no problem placing bids manually on his auctions either( I have also asked him directly). I believe you should look into this since it´s very disturbing and I very often bid on auctions where my country isn´t included under ships to.

If you won some other auction, it does not mean you are not restricted for all others. As I mentioned above, the restriction can be set individually per listing and winning one item does not guarantee winning all others.

auctionsneaker wrote:
Please don´t tell me that "I see no bidding from you on that auction" - look into this instead.

One example:

Don't worry, I always check the item and never say "I see no bidding" without checking into that.

There is no manual bid placed by you on item 150425889970. You can check the history too:

The seller put a restriction on this listing to block bidders whose primary shipping address is located in the countries where this seller does not ship.

Please note, the seller may or may not put the same restrictions on other items.

You should always place a manual bid when not sure. A verbal agreement between you and the seller usually is not enough.

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