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Myibidder Support for stand-alone client applications
Stand-alone (Mac/Win) application Support
Using both Web-based and Stand-alone together - any conflicts or delays?? Fri Jan 29, 2010 06:45 PM Quote

New computer built here, interested in buying and using the 'Stand-alone' software version on this machine to place some bids.
As I have used both processes in the past separately, but never on the same machine simultaneously, are there any recommendations on trying to use both the Web-based and the Stand-alone systems at the same time on only one EBay registered purchaser account? Will the two programs and two locations cause any EBay or bidding, sniping, delays or confusion when both are used on one EBay user account?
I do realize to not cross bid, that is to say, I know to not double bid using both processes on any particular item at EBay, however, will there be any delays or ID conflicts on the EBay site when using both techniques of bidding with only one process used for each EBay item?
Your program is very well designed, and I recommend it for all persons who cannot be present to bid in person. Well invested $$ of such a small amount for the Stand-alone software. Your Web-based system is great also, and both are a success story.
Thank you, dana

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Using both Web-based and Stand-alone together - any conflicts or delays?? Fri Jan 29, 2010 06:57 PM Quote
Posts: 1
Member Since: Jan 29, 2010
Location: Oklahoma, U.S.

This second post shows an aspect of the possible problem I was refering to. I was registered and online in one open Internet Explorer 8 page, and yet the topic was entered on one of two open pages to your forum. The page publishing the topic did not recognized my person as registered becuase the IE here and your servers were not 'auto' updating information, and I had a registered avatar and username with a profile, yet the topic does not reflect that. Multiple open pages at EBay often are far out of touch with the bid status, and multiple pages can fool many online processes with outdated interactions which completely conflict with the con-current status on another open page even for the same topics, items, and ID's.
I'll wait for a reply, and will be purchasing a Stand-alone version for this newest computer I have built.
Thanks again, dana

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 Fri Jan 29, 2010 07:57 PM Quote
Posts: 3796
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Welcome to our forums Dana.

You should be fine using both interfaces.
The Windows application is just another interface to the same database. So whatever you add in Windows application will appear in the Web-based version and vice versa (you may need to refresh another side to see the change).

I usually recommend using the Windows application for those who need to manage many items more easy. And then use the Web-based interface when you need to access your data from your friend's PC or some other location where the Windows application is not installed.

Regarding the forum:
Your forum registration is different from your eBay and Myibay login, that's why it did not recognize you until you registered and logged in.

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