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General Support for Myibidder service
Comments, Suggestions and Ideas
:-) GIVE A DONATION :-) READ THIS before using another program Sun Feb 14, 2010 01:50 AM Quote
Posts: 5
Member Since: Feb 11, 2010
Location: australia

The Web based application is completely free (have tried it for myself) and it works perfectly as described - AND IT'S FREE.

Being a computer person myself - I understand how long a program takes to write/debug/perfect..
It also costs money to provide the free service..
And can you also imagine how long it takes this person/people to give excellent/prompt feedback to anybody that has problems or queries???????

He only ask's for a $5 donation (and it is even a bargain if you had to pay that much)..

I did many hours of checking for a program that does snipe for ebay -
some of the free programs say free, but after you install it on your computer they update straight away and ask you to pay (not even giving you a trial version - and one person couldn't get it off his computer).
And the ones that are truly free, be very concerned about trojan's, (computer virus hidden in the program)

As for the paid ones - the price ranged from $15 to $50 (can't comment on these - as i didn't try them)...

in Conclusion - Please be nice to the programmer and encourage him to keep providing this service and donate $5 :-) or more :-)

On a side issue :-) (this shows the programmer didn't write this) :-) the programmer gives the option of buying the standalone program (you download it onto your computer) -
I had a quick read through it, but i was a little confused how it was better than the web based (firefox addon)(by the way, i noticed updates were free) -
Maybe Sashka could explain how it is better - or better yet, create a page that compares the two (like avg pages, etc).....

Thanks Sashka - a brilliant program.

Signed Michael.

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 Sun Feb 14, 2010 02:13 AM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Hello Michael,

Thank you for your feedback.
Basically, the difference is the ability to manage your items in the list. Most users feel it's easy, but there are few who may say that the Web-based is better anyway.
Anyway, that's a good idea to put a comparison for those two versions. I'll think what I can do.

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