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General Support for Myibidder service
Comments, Suggestions and Ideas
Add option to disable/enable Refresh message and add Auto Refresh option Tue Aug 10, 2010 09:45 PM Quote

When manually refreshing(updating) group auction entries, it would be nice to have the ability to disable the prompt: "Refresh X items in your list?, This will take some time..." from within the settings menu.

Also, I would be really nice to be able to turn on/turn off automatic updating. I typically watching/bidding at most 25 items and the refresh period is not so lengthy or intrusive (when done manually) that I wouldn't want it to do so.


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 Wed Aug 11, 2010 12:37 AM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

pyngme wrote:
When manually refreshing(updating) group auction entries, it would be nice to have the ability to disable the prompt: "Refresh X items in your list?, This will take some time..." from within the settings menu.

I have such an option (Settings - Interface - Do not display confirmation messages), but it seems like I missed this message.
Will be fixed in the next version. Thanks a lot for pointing it out.

pyngme wrote:
Also, I would be really nice to be able to turn on/turn off automatic updating. I typically watching/bidding at most 25 items and the refresh period is not so lengthy or intrusive (when done manually) that I wouldn't want it to do so.

I'm typically bidding on 50-100 items and never needed this refreshing.
Please try to set your absolute maximum when sniping so you don't have to refresh auction's information at all.
If you watch for the current bid and increase your sniping amount depending on the current bid -- that defeats the whole purpose of sniping (do not be involved into emotional bidding wars and overpay).
Just decide on your absolute maximum and let it go. If you won -- you got a great deal. If you lost -- someone overpaid (you don't want to overpay, right?).

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 Mon Jan 31, 2011 09:03 PM Quote

Hi pyngme,

I am just curious, and I thank you in advance for answering me,
What is the reason on biding on so many items?

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 Mon Jan 31, 2011 09:15 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

alfred11 wrote:
Hi pyngme,

I am just curious, and I thank you in advance for answering me,
What is the reason on biding on so many items?

I'm not pyngme, but I'll post my opinion.

For example, you want to get an iPhone. Cheap. Very cheap.
Let's say, the average price is $200. However, sometimes you can snatch one for $120. That's rare, but possible.
You don't know when it will happen. And you are willing to wait for this super deal.
So what can you do? You can create a Group with a limit to win "1 item", then put all iPhone listings you like into this Group and put $120 for every listing (plus/minus depending on the shipping and condition).
You are going to lose a dozen or two auctions, but you may be lucky enough to be the one who will snatch one for $120 after all.
After you win the first auction, the sniper will cancel the rest in the Group automatically.

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