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I have a question on the creator's ( myibay.com) post , as i saw that post on "firefox add-ons" page
<-------start quote-----
My Snipe Experiences
myibay.com 2 February 2010 #
About your account. I recommend to open a new account for sniping purposes only, this way you know that your primary account is safe.
Just to add a note, all transactions are secured with the highest possible level so it could not leak. Your security is our main goal.
...........ends quote.............>
Let me run through it and please let me know where -if- i did not envision it correctly.
I open the second account. The username, psw and email address are different. All else remain the same. After the auction, i change the psw.
This seems to be the same (on terms security) as using the original account and changing the psw after the auction? How is the secondary acc. better?
<.....................start quote...........
<"Myibay eBay bid sniper is Free for web-based usage">
Is it acceptable to use it from the Web, without installation of ad-on? If yes, where can i find this option, and if no could you direct me to a site where i could read that the Myibay eBay bid sniper is 100% spyware free and/or 100% adware free?
thank you,
Sashka |
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