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General Support for Myibidder service
General Myibidder support
lost auction with first time explanation from snipe Thu Dec 09, 2010 06:12 PM Quote

hello, i searched all over the forum and FAQ and couldnt find this, so i had to start a topic;

this auction (for item #250736354912) had a Buy it Now price of $3.99 and a starting bid of $.99.

i set my snipe for $4.00. then another bidder came along and won the item for the $.99!

my myibay page has a status message that i have never seen before : My Status: "Your bid must be lower than Buy It Now price".

but i've been bidding that way, with dollar amounts higher than the Buy it Now price; such as $20.00 for a $1.00 item, in case there is a bidding war; for as long as i've been using snipe, and have done quite well! isnt that what everyone does?

what do i do now?

many thanks,

crabby dolly

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 Thu Dec 09, 2010 06:35 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

This is eBay's requirements to block bids when it exceeds BIN price.
The only way to go around it is to remove BIN by placing a minimum manual bid. If BIN is still there (sometimes it does), then your snipe must be lower than BIN by at least 1 cent.

The sniper does not have any restrictions, eBay does.

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