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Myibidder Support for stand-alone client applications
Mac OS X app Beta testers
[MAC build 227 ] user experience report Mon Dec 13, 2010 08:19 AM Quote
Posts: 1
Member Since: Dec 13, 2010
Location: NL

Been using it for a couple of months now (mostly
Some feedback:

+ the concept of searching and preparing having a shot at getting a good deal.
+ a way to keep interesting items grouped, manageable without having to flip through the (mostly) slow Ebay online interface.
+ the snipe itself of course, keeps one from overbidding and helps keeping cool

less good / improvements

keeping the watchlist online and in Myibay in sync.
- import from button requires an extra confirmation, I'd prefer a 'sync now' method. With an option to do so every x minutes. (while surfing ebay I add to the watchlist, Myibay could thus be updated accordingly)
- the list keeps growing, a kind of offline 'archive' group would be very handy.
- the lists I set up on Ebay are not in Myibay

'time left' is a disappointment: sorting is not working. Yet, on different computers, the list sorts differently! AFAIK both are using the same date format. This really needs to be fixed as sorting on this is the most practical way of keeping an eye on what's going on online and perhaps intervening/adjusting the snipe.

updating/refreshing is not working as expected. Seems that it stops doing so when the app is not in focus.
Would be nice to have this fixed plus something like an alert (flash, colour change) at a set time left. Pretty much like the Ebay way of 'ending soon' and coloured bid won/lost. The Myibay screen could then be left open and the item/bids list would represent activity online. Instead of having to watch the dreadful Ebay interface. I know, it's not necessary to watch but it's addictive... (remember eMule? 'eMule doesn't like it if you're watching it work')

keeping track of what bid was what would be greatly improved if a picture of the item was kept offline (and shown at mouse over for example) and/or if the item page would be immediatly available (cache) as most descriptions of similar items are.... similar and information needed to set a max price is difficult without quick comparison (pics, description)

the app's window disappears and does not return after it's been minimized (often). On all macs tested. Must force quit and restart (loging, import, refresh and so on. annoying)

All in all, pretty good. But quite beta. When's the next version coming?

An link with the Firefox plugin would be a logical thing to have as well.



Download Screen shot 2010-12-13 at 09.19.11.png
Download Screen shot 2010-12-13 at 09.18.24.png

Last edited on Mon Dec 13, 2010 08:35 AM.
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 Mon Dec 13, 2010 03:34 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

zaitsev wrote:

keeping the watchlist online and in Myibay in sync.
- import from button requires an extra confirmation, I'd prefer a 'sync now' method. With an option to do so every x minutes. (while surfing ebay I add to the watchlist, Myibay could thus be updated accordingly)

That's a good idea. I'll add it to ToDo list for future features.

zaitsev wrote:
- the list keeps growing, a kind of offline 'archive' group would be very handy.

That's in ToDo list as "export/import" feature. This way you can put it as an Excel/CSV file for your archiving.

zaitsev wrote:
- the lists I set up on Ebay are not in Myibay

Correct. Your eBay activity may be different from your sniping activity.

zaitsev wrote:
'time left' is a disappointment: sorting is not working.

Yes, that's why it's listed as "Sorting does not work completely" in Known Bugs.
That will be fixed, of course.

zaitsev wrote:
updating/refreshing is not working as expected. Seems that it stops doing so when the app is not in focus.

It does not do it automatically. You have to highlight the items you want to refresh and then click "Refresh" button.
Please also note that this information does not affect sniping in any way.

zaitsev wrote:
Would be nice to have this fixed plus something like an alert (flash, colour change) at a set time left. Pretty much like the Ebay way of 'ending soon' and coloured bid won/lost.

The whole idea of the sniper is to set a snipe and leave it alone. This way you won't be getting into bidding wars.

zaitsev wrote:
keeping track of what bid was what would be greatly improved if a picture of the item was kept offline (and shown at mouse over for example) and/or if the item page would be immediatly available (cache) as most descriptions of similar items are....

That's still under debating on how to implement it without cluttering the UI.
On a good side -- having pictures will be implemented.

zaitsev wrote:
the app's window disappears and does not return after it's been minimized (often). On all macs tested. Must force quit and restart (loging, import, refresh and so on. annoying)

I know what you mean. I'll take a look.

zaitsev wrote:
All in all, pretty good. But quite beta. When's the next version coming?

No ETA, but I'll be putting one version soon (maybe today) to support 10.5. No other bug fixes.

zaitsev wrote:
An link with the Firefox plugin would be a logical thing to have as well.

Yes, but I keep those for later since the UI is still in progress.

Thanks a lot for your feedback.

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