Confirmation of Bid | Thu Apr 21, 2011 02:40 PM | |  |
escort19t |
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Hi as I am new to using myibidder I need some help.
Have made a snipe bid for an item on ebay but could not see on the checklist'My Bid' confirmation of the bid I had made. This concerned me as I was new to the system. Having tried a couple of times to find my bid on the checklist for the same item and failed I gave up and cancelled my bid.
Hope you can help.
| Thu Apr 21, 2011 04:12 PM | |  |
Sashka |
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| Thu Apr 21, 2011 09:31 PM | |  |
escort19t |
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Thanks for getting back in touch Sashka. I apologise if my last message was confusing.
What I was refering to was the screen with the blue background where you have along the top an icon bar and your log id. After you have logged in.
Below the icon bar you have Item Id, My Max Bid, Group.Then below this there are 13 words from Item# to Group.
In between Item# and Group you have Time left and My Bid.
When I put a bid in at Max Bid should that then appear at My Bid, because when I tried it didn't.
Sorry it took so long to explain.
| Thu Apr 21, 2011 10:04 PM | |  |
Sashka |
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Got it. Thanks for the detailed explanation.
You said that you put your Max Bid, but did not mention about the item number. I just want to confirm that you put the item number as well.
Once you put the item number and your max bid, then click "Add Item" button for your snipe to be added to the list.
If you see your snipe amount listed in "My Bid" column, you are good to go.
| Thu Apr 21, 2011 10:28 PM | |  |
escort19t |
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Posts: 7 |
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Thanks for your reply. Yes I did put my item number in and then my Max Bid.
But nothing showed in the My Bid box and then I clicked on SNIPE which went onto another screen giving me details of the ebay item and an activate box with a tick in it.
Again nothing showed in the My Bid box.
It was at this point I decided to delete and try again. This took ages too.
It would be helpful to know what to do if I need to delete an item? In the hope that I have done it right the times I have tried.
Thanks for all your help
| Fri Apr 22, 2011 02:42 AM | |  |
Sashka |
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What did you see on the Snipe window besides the tick box on Activate field?
You can delete the snipe two ways:
1. On Snipe window: De-activate it by unchecking the tick on Activate field, and click "Change" to submit your change.
2. On Buy window: Delete the snipe from the list completely by clicking a checkbox on the left side of the listing and clicking "X" on the bottom of the page.
| Fri Apr 22, 2011 09:58 AM | |  |
escort19t |
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Posts: 7 |
Member Since: Apr 21, 2011 |
Hi Sashka
On the Snipe window you have My Auction Information, My Snipe, Help and Hints.
I have just tried again.
Typed in the Item number and placed a Max Bid and clicked Add Item.
My snipe amount does not appear in the My Bid column.
Checked Snipe window and it does not appear in My Snipe either.
Any ideas
| Sat Apr 23, 2011 01:55 AM | |  |
Sashka |
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On the Snipe window you have to put your snipe amount in "My Maximum Bid", tick "Activate snipe" and click "Change" to submit your changes.
| Sat Apr 23, 2011 11:27 AM | |  |
escort19t |
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On the first window.
Have put in the item number and maximum bid clicked add item nothing appears in 'My Bid'.
Next clicked Snipe.
In Snipe window checked My snipe box and Activate has a tick but no amount in Maximum Bid.
Put a figure in Maximum Bid clicked change. No amount appears.
| Sat Apr 23, 2011 01:52 PM | |  |
Sashka |
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The sniper does not put the snipe amount, you do.
If you want to see the amount in "My Maximum Bid", you have to put it in. This is the maximum bid amount you want the sniper to go up to. So if bidding goes higher, the sniper will not bid for you.
| Mon Apr 25, 2011 07:59 AM | |  |
escort19t |
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Posts: 7 |
Member Since: Apr 21, 2011 |
In one of your replies to my question you made a very helpful comment saying:
"Once you put the item number and your max bid, then click "Add Item" button for your snipe to be added to the list.
If you see your snipe amount listed in "My Bid" column, you are good to go".
If I do not see my snipe amount listed in "My Bid" column. What Have I done wrong?
Even when the shipe amonut is higher than the current price.
| Wed Apr 27, 2011 02:20 AM | |  |
Sashka |
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Can you please let me know the item number and your eBay user id so I can check what was done and what happened?
I'm sure you did it correctly (if you see "Snipe" button, you had your item added), it seems like you are just looking at wrong place for some reasons.
| Wed Apr 27, 2011 08:17 AM | |  |
escort19t |
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Posts: 7 |
Member Since: Apr 21, 2011 |
Hi Sashka.
Thanks for all your help and support. Myibidder is now up and running. Must have been a glich in the system.
It now does register your snipe amount in the 'My Bid' column.
Been a pleasure talking to you.