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General Support for Myibidder service
General Myibidder support
Cancel Snipe made on downloaded Myibidder Tue Apr 26, 2011 09:54 AM Quote

Just downloaded the software based myibidder and sniped two items whose auctions finish over 12 hours from now.

Decided that I would like to check that I can cancel snipes and how that is done should I decide to do that only to find that the snipes cannot be canceled from the software package. Upon deactivating the snipe and applying the change the original snipe re-enters itself into the fields.

After reading the forums, I could only find info on cancelling snipes through the online component of this application. Which I did and refreshed my desktop software to find that the cancellation does flow through. I just cant do it from the software which makes me beg the question why should I install the software.

I find myself scratching my head even further when I see that the GUI of the online version of this application is much better to read and easier to navigate. Again I ask, why pay money for the downloaded version?

Would be nice if you guys could have a desktop widget that can always be pinned to top (if so chosen by user) that shows live info on any items that are currently awaiting to be sniped and giving an instant alert if your snipe has been outbid.

Please let me know if you have another skin for the downloaded version and if it is possible to cancel snipes. At this point, I am not really impressed with the downloaded version. Thankfully it's a trial.

Will still keep exploring the trial with an open mind ;)



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edit to above post Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:10 AM Quote

Strangest thing has happened. Have tried to cancel the snipe from within the downloaded software again and it has worked.

I have done nothing different and it worked immediately. When I had the initial problem I had tried this same process a multitude of times without success. So strange. Maybe user error somehow... however I cant see how.

Comments about the Graphical user interface and widget still stand.


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 Wed Apr 27, 2011 02:12 AM Quote
Posts: 3796
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Hello Milan,

Thanks a lot for your feedbacks.

Regarding the problem with snipes cancelation: I think this happened because your connection was lost and software could not re-connect to the server on the second attempt. Logout/Login usually helps.

Regarding your suggestion to keep you informed about immediate outbid: unfortunately, this technically is not possible. Please keep it mind that most of the action happens on the last minutes so you will not have much time to adjust your snipe. Besides that defeats one of the purpose for sniping (avoid bidding wars).
Instead, please use your absolute maximum amount when deciding your snipe. I usually add a few bid increments for some important items just to cover that up.

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