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Myibidder Support for Web-based service
Web-based interface support
The "Snipe These" Tab no longer appears with the Firefox Myibidder extension Thu Aug 25, 2011 07:16 AM Quote
Shadow Sniper

Hello. I am having trouble with the "Snipe These" Tab not appearing in Firefox 6. For single auctions the extensions works fine yet not on multiple auctions.

I've tried Google Chrome and the Myibidder extension works and the "Snipe These" tab appears. However the extension works sporadically and randomly for Chrome. For example if I have a list of 30 items only 4 appear on the actual Myibidder snipe page. Other times all the items appear for a particular seller and the extension works as it should.

Perhaps Ebay changed their webpage format and the Myibidder extension needs to be updated? Please remember that this problem only affects the "Snipe These" tab on multiple auctions and does not affect single auctions. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

Oh yes, I also reside and use the USA version of Ebay,

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 Thu Aug 25, 2011 02:46 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

That was already discussed in another thread. Please take a look:

Also, please post your question once. There is no need to post it in different groups.

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 Fri Aug 26, 2011 11:14 AM Quote
Shadow Sniper

Ah wonderful. Since I updated to the newest 1.2.1 version the "Snipe These" tab is working once more.

I apologize for double posting as well; I just wanted to make sure that I posted in the proper section of the forums. Thank you for the excellent support; it’s appreciated.

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