Concerns about Myibay servers and holding ebay user information | Sat Sep 17, 2011 07:14 PM | |  |
Rayrosher |
Guest |
Hi all I have just installed the standalone version of this program!
i have to admit that I quite like it! as i used to use Auction sentry which even with the new recent update is still unusable and a complete waste ofg money however I do have some concerns with this software as i was reading on a recent post (which version is better) that the server holds the bid information and then bids for us,
1..Auction sentry Standalone had to be running on your system for the bid to take place, Thus the bid came from your system and not from an unknown server!
According to a recent post MB takes the web and standalone information that you have entered and holds it on their server until the bid needs to be placed,
If I read a recent post correctly! if this is the case then I have some very serious concerns about server security,
as the recent sony myspace wordpress etc hacking fiasco shows!
Nothing is completely safe,
However I wonder just how safe Myb servers are considering that their a prime target for hackers with the amount of ebay users and the information these servers now hold! ie user names and passwords!
I would love to use this program! But am struggling with the concept of another server holding my user name and password information or have I got it all wrong ?
| Sat Sep 17, 2011 08:15 PM | |  |
Sashka |
Support |
Posts: 3804 |
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008 |
Location: www.myibidder.com |
I understand your concern.
However, please keep in mind that your home PC is no more secure than a professionally managed dedicated Unix server designed specifically for sniping only.
All your information is stored securely and encrypted whenever is possible. Your security is our main goal here.
If you don't want to share your eBay user id and password, then you can always create a brand new eBay account for sniping purposes only.
Your eBay account does not have any financial information anyway.