GROUP questions, DELETE, RENAME, group MANAGEMENT, etc... | Tue Dec 13, 2011 07:29 PM | |  |
Roma198808 |
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Member Since: Dec 09, 2011 |
1) I have auctions in a group and I won one of them so the program did not bid on other auctions in this same group.
Now, if I add more/new auctions to this group, will the program bid on them?
2) If I want to start the group over with the same name after I won one item, what do I do?
3) If I already won 1 auction in a group and then I decide to lower the bids for the other auctions in the same group, will it bid on those auctions because the price was changed/edited?
Thank you for your help in advance!
| Tue Dec 13, 2011 07:48 PM | |  |
Sashka |
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1) If you won items are not activated, those will not be counted so you can add new items to the Group.
2) Just delete or deactivate the items.
3) The Group will continue bidding until your goal met (if you put 1 item, then it will stop bidding after the first win. If you put "2", it will bid until it wins two).
| Tue Dec 13, 2011 08:09 PM | |  |
Roma198808 |
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Member Since: Dec 09, 2011 |
Thanks a lot for the prompt answer.
However, I'm still a bit confused about the management of the groups. Let me ask my questions this way:
1) I have added, for example, 10 iPhone auctions to the group called "iPhone" and set to win only 1 (one) aucion.
2) So, I won one auction and the rest did not receive bids and all auctions now ended.
a) If I delete all auctions, including WON auction, in this "iPhone" group and add new auctions, will the program bid on new auctions?
b) If I delete all auctions except the auction that is WON, then add new auctions to this same group, will the program bid on the new auctions (when WON auction is left in the list)?
c) If I already won one auction (i set one win action max) and then DO NOT DELETE this WON auction and start changing the prices of the other auctions that are still active, will the program bid on them because I modified them?
| Tue Dec 13, 2011 08:23 PM | |  |
Sashka |
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Group counts activated snipes only. Your snipe amount does not affect the count.
a) yes.
b) if your ended snipe is not activated, it will not be counted in.
c) same as b.
| Tue Dec 13, 2011 08:37 PM | |  |
Roma198808 |
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Member Since: Dec 09, 2011 |
Does the "activated snipe" mean the auction that is won and now is marked in the list with a green bar?
| Tue Dec 13, 2011 08:59 PM | |  |
Sashka |
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"Activated" is a checkbox when you add a new item and schedule it for sniping.
| Tue Dec 13, 2011 09:16 PM | |  |
Roma198808 |
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Member Since: Dec 09, 2011 |
Yes, that's what I thought it is... I always activate all my snipes...
The reason I'm confused now with groups is because after I won one auction I changed the other auctions (in the same group) that were still active to bid lower price. My max # of wins was set to 1 (one). One hour later I won another auction (second one) in the same category while the 1st won auction was still in the list... Don't understand why it happened...
- Max wins in the same group: 1
- Time between 2 won auctions: about one hour
- All I did was change the max price of active snipes
Why it won two auctions?
| Tue Dec 13, 2011 09:46 PM | |  |
Sashka |
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As I mentioned earlier, only activated snipes are taken into the count.
Your won snipe was deactivated automatically because it met the goal of 1 item to win. Then you added a new snipe, so the count started from 0 again.
If you did not want to snipe it, why would you change the snipe amount?
You did not just change the snipe, you activated it and changed it.