Another bidder outbids me with exactly 1.19 euros ? | Sat Apr 14, 2012 03:36 AM | |  |
Hi, today I've used myibay sniping for the first time
and lost the auction with only 1 euro difference with
the highest bidder.
but what I found strange is:
how did that bidder or sniper knew my highest
bid was 243.19 €
because he uitbid me with exactly 1 euro
his bid was 244.19 €
and the bidding history shows his bid or snipe 19 minutes before
the end of the auction??!!
how is that possible as I put my snipe 4 seconds before
the end of the auction?
he must have used some sniping system
that knew my highest price and could even fake
the time of the snipe?
I am totally confused ....
any ideas what has really happened?
| Sat Apr 14, 2012 07:52 PM | |  |
Sashka |
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You lost because the other bidder placed a higher bid (probably higher than 244.19) long time before your snipe came in.
There is no way the other sniping system could guess what's on your mind.
What you saw is how increment system works on eBay. The highest bidder wins at the price just one increment higher than the previous bidder. The increment was 1.00 (not 1.19 as you mentioned) in your case, so that's why you saw the winner got it at 1.00 more.
Last edited on Sat Apr 14, 2012 07:52 PM.
| Sun Apr 15, 2012 12:49 PM | |  |
Guest |
thanks for your reply.
yes it's clear now that even if he placed a bid that was much
higher than mine the eBay 1 euro increments rule
put only 1 euro on top of my snipe .
but what puzzles me is
As I have been monitoring last 20 minutes of the auction,
I havent seen him bid 19 minutes before the end as the
auction bidding history states...
how could he put an " invisible bid " before me
and it didn't show uf in bidding list the very end of an auction??
| Sun Apr 15, 2012 09:41 PM | |  |
Sashka |
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Actually, the other bidder placed the bid about 20 minutes before auction ended so you saw it if you monitor it. You could see in the bid history.
You may check the bid history to see exact time when that bid was placed.
| Tue Apr 17, 2012 03:10 AM | |  |
| Tue Apr 17, 2012 12:13 PM | |  |
Sashka |
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You did not show the full history for some reason.
It looks as expected:
When you were watching you did not see 8***g and k***h. Then k***h came in outbidding someone who is below k***h right now, so the current was 235.00 or lower, that's what you saw.
Any bid higher than the current price for at least one increment is accepted by eBay when auction has some time to go still.
That means when the bid 244.19 of 8***g was accepted at 20:19:16, the current bid at that moment was 233.19 or lower.
When the bid 235.00 of k***h was accepted at 20:30:33, the current bid was 234.00 or lower at that moment.
Your snipe was accepted by eBay because the current bid was 233.19 or lower at 20:30:36.
I don't know why you don't show me the whole thing. If you don't want to share, you may want to check "Show automatic bids" link located on the Bid History page, maybe that will be more clear for you. That link will sort bids by time instead of by amount, some users find it more easier to understand.
| Tue Apr 17, 2012 03:45 PM | |  |
| Tue Apr 17, 2012 04:33 PM | |  |
Sashka |
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Location: www.myibidder.com |
Sniping is bidding on last seconds.
The highest bidder placed his/her bid about 10 minutes before auction ended, so it's not a snipe, it was a manual bid which was higher than your snipe.
The highest bidder will always be on the top of the list. I mentioned "Show automatic bids" link to see other bids.
Here is the whole history according to link you sent me:
About 20 minutes before auction ended, when you started watching it, the current bid was 230.00 because of k***h who placed the bid on 20:14.
At about 20:19 the other bidder 8***g came in and placed a bid well higher than 244.19 (we don't know the amount). The current bid went to 230 (k***h) + 1 = 231.00. This is what you saw when you started watching it.
The current bid was always the maximum bid of the previous bidder plus one increment.
Then on last seconds two snipers came in: you by placing 243.19 and k***h by placing 235.00.
The only reason why you see k***h is because his/her bid was placed about 3 seconds before yours. Otherwise, eBay would not accept k***h's bid at all.
Since your bid was lower than 8***g, the current bid went to 243.19 (you) + 1.00 (increment) = 244.19
| Tue Apr 17, 2012 08:38 PM | |  |
wow,now i see exactly what you mean :
if i click "show automatic bidds"
than i CAN see the highest bidder bidding before me
its grayed out ...so i've just overlooked it --- silly me ;)
now its ALL clear to me .
the moral of the story - put the highest price you READY to pay for the item.
Thank you so much for taking your time to help me understand the mechanics of eBay bidding!
hopefully i would be more lucky on the next auction ;)
P.S. i wonder if iPhone myibidder app is as effective as the website, cannot find any feedback or reviews on it?
| Tue Apr 17, 2012 09:06 PM | |  |
Sashka |
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Posts: 3804 |
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008 |
Location: www.myibidder.com |
| Tue Apr 17, 2012 11:35 PM | |  |