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Myibidder Support for Web-based service
Web-based interface support
wrong country in open cases Thu May 03, 2012 06:28 PM Quote
Posts: 2
Member Since: May 03, 2012
Location: Deutschland

Helle everyone.
Though I selected eBay Germany in my myibidder profile, the bids are apparently done on the eBay UK site.

I have two cases open for resolving on sniped auctions. When I wannt to look at them from the eBay Deutschland Page I get the message "Dieser Artikel wurde auf eBay Großbrittanien gekauft." (= "This item was bought on the british eBay page"). Then i'm asked to go to eBay UK for resolving. Is it my fault?

Thanks in advance


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 Thu May 03, 2012 06:34 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

You did not specify, but it sounds like you selected "My Country" to be "eBay Germany".
If you check the help on the right side, you will see the following: "My Country field is for changing a default landing page to your country when clicking on auction's link. It does not affect sniping."

The actual snipes are done using "My Snipe Target" field which actually specifies what eBay site is used for sniping.
eBay US, eBay UK and eBay Australia are currently supported only.

P.S.: eBay UK buyer protection program is pretty good.

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Wow. Thu May 03, 2012 07:08 PM Quote
Posts: 2
Member Since: May 03, 2012
Location: Deutschland

That came within seconds.

Thank You very much.

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Bidding Taregt for German Users Thu Jun 20, 2013 09:12 AM Quote

Hi there,
I have a similar problem and I think that in not every case the UK protection program will work.
Actually my problem is serious and the foreign protection is not able to help... closed the case... and I'm now unable to re-open it! Result: money is gone...

So... it would be great if there would also be the ebay-Germany as a choice for the bidding targets.

Or are there any big problems for an update in the list of choices?

Anyway... please include ebay-Germany in the list of choices for the bidding target!

Thanx alot!
and best regards from Frankfurt :-)

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 Thu Jun 20, 2013 01:46 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

As far as I know, if you close the case (on any platform), you can not re-open it. Never close the case if it's not resolved yet.
PayPal has the same policy, no matter where you bought the item.

I wish I could just "add Germany", but that's not so easy. I need to add all German phrases which eBay may provide as the result of bidding.
There are several users who said they will help to translate them and beta test them, but most of them did not follow up on this when found out that's too much work.
That's understandable, everyone has their plans. That's why there is no Germany yet.
I don't know German well enough to do it on my own.

Are you willing to chime in and be the tester (your snipes may fail, or Groups will not work as expected)?

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My Snipe Target - support for eBay Germany Mon Dec 28, 2015 04:05 PM Quote
Posts: 4
Member Since: Sep 03, 2014
Location: Germany


I just chime in here since the issue (bids from German users - with "My Country" set to be "eBay Germany" - being placed through is still open.

Actually, especially the return and refund practices are much better at for German users, so a large bidding community could benefit from this addition.

I do volunteer for translations and beta-testing if there's still the need (and the plan to add has not yet been discarded) - just let me know!

I use the Android App, not the web based service - but since this topic was discussed here, I didn't want to start a new thread in the applicable Forum section for my case.


Last edited on Mon Dec 28, 2015 04:11 PM.
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 Mon Dec 28, 2015 10:11 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Not sure why you brought up such an old thread.
Germany has been already added to the "My Snipe Target", so you can bid using German eBay.

Please login to and set it up in the "Profile" section.

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My Snipe Target - already existing support for eBay Germany Mon Dec 28, 2015 10:26 PM Quote
Posts: 4
Member Since: Sep 03, 2014
Location: Germany

Hi Sashka,

thanks for the swift reply!

I brought up this (indeed: old) topic for the reasons described in my message - I use the Android app, and there I could not find any hint that a setting for "My Snipe Target" exists at all, let alone in the web client.

Maybe I missed it, but I usually read all change logs carefully when getting app updates - and I didn't know about that feature.

Thanks for implementing this solution for German bidders and letting me know this way - I will tell my friends about it and suggest to give a note to other "app only" users (like me) that this setting exists and has to be changed at

Thanks again!

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 Tue Dec 29, 2015 01:48 AM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

The setting was added to the Web interface, not to the app. That's why you did not see in the "Changes" for the Android app.

But since the setting affects mobile app as well, then you can have it configured and still use the Android app to snipe using eBay Germany.

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