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Myibidder Support for Web-based service
Web-based interface support
Not seeing my bids Sun Nov 11, 2012 08:59 PM Quote
Posts: 2
Member Since: Nov 11, 2012
Location: UK

I am trying out Myibay for the first time and I'm not sure what to expect. I have sniped two auctions - which will probably close higher that I am prepared to pay, so no pressure.
I am not seeing my bids. When I sniped in both auctions there appeared to be an incremental bid added. One auction shows all the bidders as hidden because it is a "private auction" - could that response be caused by sniping? The other auction shows no bidder ID that I could recognise as being a shortform of mine, and more to the point, no bidders have the same feedback score as me. In neither auction do I see my full ID as I should as the bidder. As I can't recognize my own bids, I can't see whether I am currently the leading bidder. On one item my snipe bid should place me in the lead - the other has already passed my maximum.
My status page shows both items with my snipe value, but long outdated bids. By selecting each item and clicking "refresh" the current bids updated, but I would have expected this to be done automatically every time the status page was updated.
According to my EBay Bids/Offers page I am not bidding on any items.

Where could i have gone wrong?

The item numbers, should the data still be available when you read this, are 290806929685 and 121013316840.

**** Since posting this I have received this:


The following bid attempt was placed per your request:
Item #290806929685: Packard Bell Dot s2 Netbook
Final price: 107.00
Snipe: 75.00
Status from eBay:
Could not win (38): Your bid was too low

With Best Regards, bid department.

and the status page was updated to reflect this. So it seems that things were actually going on as expected. However I am still perturbed that I could not monitor my position in the bidding order.

Last edited on Sun Nov 11, 2012 09:10 PM.
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 Sun Nov 11, 2012 11:41 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Sniping is bidding on last seconds. So you can't be leading bidder or anything like that. You either won or lost, and that will happen on last seconds.
That's why you will not see you are bidding on those items because the bid was not submitted yet.

The current bid should be updated when you click "Refresh" button, that's expected.
The current bid does not affect sniping anyway. If you need to monitor bidding in real-time, you should use eBay directly (however, this is not recommended to avoid being emotionally involved into bidding wars).

Last edited on Sun Nov 11, 2012 11:46 PM.
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Thanks Mon Nov 12, 2012 11:13 AM Quote
Posts: 2
Member Since: Nov 11, 2012
Location: UK

Thank you Sashka. The concept is becoming steadily clearer and I think I've got enough understanding now to snipe in a real world situation!

There was mention in a Firefox extension comment of you producing a user's guide. Perhaps this, or some comprehensive help pages, would cut down the time you spend answering dumb questions from newcomers like me! Thanks again.

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