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General Support for Myibidder service
General Myibidder support
very poor server performance Wed Jan 16, 2013 07:58 PM Quote


I am using myibidder since about two years with success. But since a few weeks the server performance is very very poor. Often I am not able to login. When I add ebay-auctions with the myibidder-firefox add-on I have to wait minutes. And often there is the message " this web page is not available".

With this poor performance myibidder is not helpful any more.

best regards,

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 Wed Jan 16, 2013 11:42 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Works fine for me and for a few my other friends who checked it for me right now.
Please check your connection or restart your PC/Router/Modem.

Here is some remote service which checks response time from different locations in many countries.
All look good and fast enough, the average is about 50-70 ms within US, and about 100-200 ms from the rest of the world:

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 Fri Jan 18, 2013 08:10 PM Quote


thanks for your feedback.

The problem is not all the time. I think it is a question of traffic. For example now (Friday 20:45) it is nearly impossibel to add auctions via browser add-on. Today afternoon it worked really good. And in an hour or something like that it is again ok. But at the moment it is impossible to work with myibidder.

All other sites are working well, so the problem is not the connection. As engineer, working since 20 years for computer applications, I know very well about server- issues.

From my point of view the the problem is the high traffic at some times => a lot of bids have to be placed and a lot of poeple want to connect to myibidder. Fact is: I do reach the server, but the application does not respond.

The connection (ping)is ok. But the performance of myibidder-server-application (whatever) is poor at some times, mostly in the evening.

And just now I wanted to see the preview of my post. I had to wait about 30 sec. until the page reacts. There is a problem with server-performance at high load.


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 Fri Jan 18, 2013 08:10 PM Quote


thanks for your feedback.

The problem is not all the time. I think it is a question of traffic. For example now (Friday 20:45) it is nearly impossibel to add auctions via browser add-on. Today afternoon it worked really good. And in an hour or something like that it is again ok. But at the moment it is impossible to work with myibidder.

All other sites are working well, so the problem is not the connection. As engineer, working since 20 years for computer applications, I know very well about server- issues.

From my point of view the the problem is the high traffic at some times => a lot of bids have to be placed and a lot of poeple want to connect to myibidder. Fact is: I do reach the server, but the application does not respond.

The connection (ping)is ok. But the performance of myibidder-server-application (whatever) is poor at some times, mostly in the evening.

And just now I wanted to see the preview of my post. I had to wait about 30 sec. until the page reacts. There is a problem with server-performance at high load.


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 Fri Jan 18, 2013 09:01 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

"All other sites" do not make a picture. Different sites are on different networks using different networks routes and configurations.
Please use the link I mentioned before to see how it works from different locations.

I checked the internal stats and I see no usage spikes or anything like that. Everything is normal and does not even exceed 20% of usage which is expected.

Try to write down the exact time (PST/PDT if possible) so I can check those exact time periods for you. Anyway, I currently don't see any slowness like you described in the past.

Last edited on Fri Jan 18, 2013 09:26 PM.
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 Sun Jan 20, 2013 05:05 PM Quote

The problems are every day, mainly in the evening about 19:00-22:00 german time (UTC+1), this is 12:00-15:00 PST.

What happens:

1. it starts with decreasing performance. This does not happen suddenly. Performance becomes slower step by step.

2. after some time the performance is so poor, that it is nearly impossible to add auctions. This is the time frame of about 12:00-15:00 PST.

3. after that time the performance increases again step by step and in the late evening (about 16:00-17:00 PST) full speed is back.

It looks like a correlation with ebay activities (number of auctions ending, volume of bidder-action).

According your feedback the server status is ok. So probably I have another problem. But I have no idea what happens and why it happens with myibidder only.

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 Sun Jan 20, 2013 08:20 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Weird. I see no issues around that time.
Can you please try to do traceroute from your local machine and post the result?
Also, did you try the link I suggested above to see what's the issue?
Are you having the problem when using the Web-based interface only or Web-based and Windows application as well?

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 Tue Jan 22, 2013 08:57 PM Quote

I did some traceroutes.

The first trace today at 19:27 CET (myibidder slow but still ok).

Routenverfolgung zu [] über maximal 30 Abschnitte:
1 1 ms <1 ms 1 ms []
2 17 ms 20 ms 17 ms
3 20 ms 22 ms 20 ms
4 27 ms 27 ms 27 ms l-eb2-i.L.DE.NET.DTAG.DE []
5 37 ms 37 ms 38 ms
6 40 ms 34 ms 39 ms []
7 119 ms 119 ms 119 ms []
8 119 ms 118 ms 119 ms []
9 118 ms 120 ms 118 ms []
10 127 ms 124 ms 123 ms []
11 118 ms 118 ms 123 ms []
12 * 119 ms * []
13 119 ms * * []
14 121 ms * * []
15 * 118 ms 120 ms []

The second trace at 20:30 CET (myibidder very very slow).

1 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms []
2 18 ms 17 ms 17 ms
3 20 ms 19 ms 22 ms
4 28 ms 27 ms 27 ms l-eb2-i.L.DE.NET.DTAG.DE []
5 63 ms 64 ms 62 ms
6 68 ms 70 ms 72 ms []
7 120 ms 118 ms 118 ms []
8 123 ms 118 ms 118 ms []
9 119 ms 118 ms 118 ms []
10 121 ms 124 ms 123 ms []
11 119 ms 118 ms 118 ms []
12 119 ms 119 ms * []
13 * 122 ms 121 ms []
14 * 129 ms * []
15 * * * Zeitüberschreitung der Anforderung.
16 132 ms * * []
17 * 119 ms * []
18 * 119 ms 118 ms []

There you can see a complete timeout ("Zeitüberschreitung").

But in parallel I did tracert to and there have been also a lot of timeouts, but was working fast as always.

I also did try the given link. The pings are always below 200ms, should be ok.
I do have the problems with Web-based interface and also with browser add-on and with Windows application. The Web-based interface causes the least problems which means, in the discussed times it works very slow but after a time I could log in. The windows application and the browser add-on do cause much more problems. But most of the time I am using the browser add-on.

If you have any idea I would be glad. If not we should not spend more time to find the root cause for this behaviour. I will try to make a new setup of my network and computers. Probably this helps.


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 Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:14 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Interesting. The pings are fine, but there are few timeouts. That usually means that the ping is getting lost somewhere on the way.
I was wondering if you have another machine on another network to try, somewhere in your city or country? This way you don't need to build it.

The browser add-on uses the Web-based version too, but simplified. The Windows application simplifies even more so it should works even faster, not slower.

I still suspect this is network issue. The problem is that this issue does not sounds like on your side or my side, but somewhere in between.
That's why it would be interested to see the same thing from another point on your side, because some ISPs may use different network routes.

There is another test which actually tests the web site speed and loading of all pictures/css/js and other files, so if you are still curious, please let it try as well:
Pick the same location for your tests. I picked the default in Dulles, VA and it reported the load time being about 2 seconds.
I think they use real machines with real browsers for their testings.

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 Wed Jan 23, 2013 07:36 PM Quote

Hello Sashka,

I did some changes and tests with no results. Than I did some experiments with DNS server, again no change.

Finally I searched in some forums and found, that other users had similar problems.... there are a lot of reports that one (sometimes a few) web pages will not load. According the forum discussion this behaviour seems to be caused by connection problems between subnets (overloaded or some other problem...). The main advise was to use a proxy server.

So I tried this with the result: it works. It is like a switch: with proxy myibidder works fast and good, without the same bad behaviour as before.

Using a proxy did now solve the problem for Web-based application and browser add-on, but not for Windows application because with Win-appication login does not work with proxy. But no problem, most of the time I use the web-application.

So, thank you very much for your time and support. I am happy that it is working again.

Have a nice day,

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 Wed Jan 23, 2013 09:50 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Thanks a lot for your follow up.
That just shows the issue is outside of Myibidder server. I'm glad we got it figured out. I was afraid there is something going on which I forgot to monitor on my side.

Btw, Windows application has proxy settings. It supports basic http proxy, not SOCKS proxy. Sometimes you need to restart the application after you changed proxy settings.

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