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General Support for Myibidder service
General Myibidder support
It did not snipe my auction!! Sun Mar 03, 2013 02:39 AM Quote
Posts: 2
Member Since: Mar 03, 2013

I have used this software in the past and it worked very well. I was always incredibly pleased but now after months I used it again. I set my snipe on an auction at least 24 hours in advance and I got a message from ebay on my phone that the auction was ending. I was happy until I noticed it did not place any bid!

There were no bids at all on the auction (200900325302) The starting bid was 15.00, so my winning bid would have been 15.50. I had set up Myibidder to 24.00 as a max for safety so it should have just registered a bid right? What went wrong? I am so disappointed right now and afraid it's going to do this again in the future.

Here is a pic of what it looks like in the software:

Sometimes I also set the snipe in my browser on using Myibidder. Can this cause confusion of some sort?

What am I doing wrong?


Last edited on Sun Mar 03, 2013 02:40 AM.
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 Sun Mar 03, 2013 05:18 AM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

It seems like you did not activate the snipe when you set it (that was at about 1:05pm eBay time).
I see you activated it after auction ended only, but that was too late (that was at about 6:00pm eBay time).

Please always check to make sure the snipe is activated (i.e. you see your snipe in the "My Bid" cell).

Last edited on Sun Mar 03, 2013 05:19 AM.
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 Mon Mar 04, 2013 02:57 PM Quote
Posts: 2
Member Since: Mar 03, 2013

Thank you for your reply. I really thought I had activated my snipe using the program but I guess I did not.

Anyway, I have now used the Myibidder-button from the browser to set up another snipe for item 230937219085. It is set for 20 USD. Could you please check if it's set correctly this time? I wouldn't want to miss out on it again.

Also, I noticed that I receive an error when using the windows program for Myibidder. The error occurs when I exit the program and have set up my snipe, therefore I used the button in the browser this time as shown in the picture. Could this have caused the error the first time?

Thank you for your time Sashka!


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 Mon Mar 04, 2013 09:45 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

I checked your snipe and it looks good now, so you are set on it.

Regarding the error message in the Windows application: that will be fixed in the new version. It does not affect sniping, so you can ignore it for now.

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