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General Support for Myibidder service
Comments, Suggestions and Ideas
$$ limit rather than item limit in groups Sat Mar 23, 2013 08:24 PM Quote
Posts: 1
Member Since: Mar 23, 2013
Location: Denver

Hi, I've only been using myibay for a day or so. I love the groups and the ability to snipe while I sleep ;) I've run into a situation where I can see the need for a dollar amount limit for a group rather than an item limit.

I'm shopping for designer men's ties right now. I have 7 different ties all of which I would pay $35 each for. Their current bids are between $4 and $15. My budget is only $70. Sorry, it sounds like a word problem ;) So I have my snipe amounts set to $35 and my limit set to 2 items. But, if I win the first auction for $12 I will want at least 3 items in the group. I'd much rather get all 7 ties for around $70 than 2 of them for $30.

Other than that I've been very happy using your program so far. Thanks!

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 Sun Mar 24, 2013 02:25 AM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Thanks for your suggestion.
That feature is in ToDo list, but considering low interest it is in the low priority. However, it's one of this feature which will be definitely implemented because I think that it will get a higher interest once implemented.

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 Sun Mar 24, 2013 07:15 AM Quote

Thanks for the quick reply. I think it would be way more useful than the "multiple items from the same sellers" feature(s) I've seen requested here. And probably easier to program. Although, I can see the use for allowing subsequent purchases contingent on the success of an initial snipe. And I think it could probably be done generally enough to allow for more uses than just the same seller's items... but I digress ;)

Thanks for all your efforts. I've really enjoyed using your software.

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