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Myibidder Support for Web-based service
Web-based interface support
Unable to log into Myibidder web portal Sat Aug 24, 2013 03:07 PM Quote
Posts: 8
Member Since: Aug 24, 2013


Thank you for creating an excellent website.

I am having a difficulty today. I am not able to log into the Myibidder web portal as of yesterday. I am aware that eBay had some login problems yesterday, but it's unclear to me if this is related.

When I enter my userid and password, I get the message "Wrong UserID or Password".

I tried several times (carefully, of course) and get the same error message. I am absolutely sure I'm using the correct user id and password. I also know that my eBay user id is not locked. I made several attempts by just typing the user id and password and by also typing in the same user id and password into eBay to make sure it's all correct and the account is not locked.

In addition to my several regular login attempt, I lastly tied the following...
* typed my userid and password into a Notepad document
* copied my userid from the document to the Myibidder login userid field carefully
* copied my password from the document to the Myibidder password field carefully
* I receive the "Wrong UserID or Password" message from Myibidder
* navigate to eBay
* copied my userid and password from the same Notepad document to the eBay userid field carefully
* copied my userid and password from the document to the eBay password field carefully
* successfully log into eBay
* I repeated this experiment last night (8/23) and this morning (8/24) - same results

I believe this to be an accurate indication of a problem with Myibidder specifically because...
* by copying the userid and password fields I am making absolutely sure there are no typos
* by using Notepad, I am ensuring there are no special formatting characters copied to the clipboard. [Notepad is a simple plain text editor that comes installed as a Windows accessory.]
* by logging into eBay last, I am confirming that the account is not locked due to repeated login failures

Is anyone else able to log into Myibidder through the web portal or is this problem affecting all users?

Is anyone else experiencing similar problems?

For reference, I am using Firefox 22.0 on Windows 7 Home Premium.

Thanks to advise,

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 Sat Aug 24, 2013 08:35 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Hello Eric,
Thank you for your detailed explanation of the problem.
It's possible there is some block or something like that. Please let me know your eBay user id so I could check it on my side.

Last edited on Sat Aug 24, 2013 08:36 PM.
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 Sat Aug 24, 2013 09:31 PM Quote
Posts: 8
Member Since: Aug 24, 2013

Hello Sashka,

The user id is "ericwag".

Thanks for your help.


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 Sat Aug 24, 2013 10:41 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

I see one good attempt using ericwag only.
Are you sure you used "ericwag" and not something else? Please check.

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 Sat Aug 24, 2013 10:49 PM Quote
Posts: 8
Member Since: Aug 24, 2013

Oh my gosh! I'm a dunce! I was using the email address (which works with eBay now) rather than the actual user id!

I can't believe I missed that. So sorry for wasting your time.

Thanks again for the great site!


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