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General Support for Myibidder service
Comments, Suggestions and Ideas
International shipping does not show Thu Aug 29, 2013 08:31 AM Quote

Trying this application as well as some of the others.

A major fault with this is that International shipping typically does not show accurately. It typically only shows domestic shipping, but not always. So this is confusing and can't be relied upon. I bid on an item that showed $10 shipping in this app, but it turned out to be $60 for International shipping!!! (The item was only worth $20)

For example, another app, Joybidder, gets the International shipping correct every time depending on the country you nominate as your home country, so I'm not sure why this application can't do the same.

This app has the advantage of bidding when your computer is off, this is a major advantage.

The other advantage of Joybidder is that you can click an item and the bottom half of the screen will show basic details and an image of the item.

Would be nice to have both these items fixed/added

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 Fri Aug 30, 2013 07:32 AM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

First, thank you for your feedback.

Did you set your country in the Profile using Web-based interface? If it's set to eBay US (by default), it will try to fetch domestic US shipping. Please check.
In any case, eBay does not always provide shipping information reliably especially when shipping is calculated dynamically or seller offers multiple shipping methods.

The feature to show summary on the bottom of the screen is planned for the future versions. It was actually implemented some way for Mac OS X version long time ago and I found it useful, so it will be ported to Windows app.

Last edited on Fri Aug 30, 2013 07:33 AM.
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 Sun Sep 01, 2013 09:36 AM Quote

Hello and thank you for the reply

Yes the country is set to an international destination. I've tried a couple of different countries. If there is a problem as you mention then I'm wondering why the competitor application that I mentioned can get int shipping correct in their application

Looking forward to the next version with the improvement that you mentioned in the above

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 Sun Sep 01, 2013 03:30 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Please include your eBay user id and the item number in question if you want me to check the specific listing.
Unfortunately, I could only guess without any relevant information.

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 Mon Sep 02, 2013 05:18 AM Quote

It is a general problem, and not specific. All you need to is test it yourself to see what I'm talking about.

But anyway, here is an item. A mouse item number 400565207592

It would be really appreciated if this can be addressed as it is so important.

Many thanks

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 Mon Sep 02, 2013 05:34 AM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

The item 400565207592 is not even added to the sniper.
I have no way to check it in this case. Please provide the item you added or your eBay user id so I could check.

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 Mon Sep 02, 2013 09:40 AM Quote

Not sure why you are worried about this or that particular item. I'm not bidding on anything at present and the item has no relevance. Please check numerous listings and see if it correctly records international shipping

Here as another mouse 281159914774

International shipping should be 1.99

But, as mentioned, You need to check a number of items as I'm not talking about one item. It is a general problem

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 Mon Sep 02, 2013 05:47 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

The item 281159914774 is not added to the sniper as well.
Please let me know the item which you added under your account so I could check.

It works fine on my account, I just need to check what's with your account or settings.
Unfortunately, I have no way to check if you keep providing me unrelated items which were not even added to the sniper at all.

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 Wed Sep 04, 2013 08:42 AM Quote

Well as I said. I'm not bidding at the moment because it does not show accurate Int shipping I'm trying another system that does.

Be good if you can fix this though because I like this application

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 Wed Sep 04, 2013 01:46 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

I need some real-life listings which were added to your account in order to check and investigate.
I have no way to fix or do anything without knowing what exactly I'm doing or testing.
Please let me know when you add it in the future, so I'll take a look.

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 Sun Nov 03, 2013 10:17 AM Quote
Posts: 1
Member Since: Nov 03, 2013
Location: Denmark

Sashka wrote:
I need some real-life listings which were added to your account in order to check and investigate.

Hi, new user here.

Here's a real-life listing that doesn't work:

eBay ID: 350913554202
eBay User ID: [entered in my forum profile]
My eBay Country: eBay United Kingdom
Item location: China
Postage shown by sniper: US$ 7.99 (this is actually this items postage from China to the US):
Real postage from China to the UK: US$ 9.99


Actually I'm in Denmark and another related problem is that I can't set shipping destination to Denmark in Myibidder, because Denmark is not an option in "My eBay Country". However I can choose Denmark as shipping destionation for this item at eBay, just not at Myibidder.
So instead I have set "My eBay Country" to United Kingdom at Myibidder, because the postage for both Denmark and United Kingdom is US$ 9.99.
But it still shows the postage of US$ 7.99 to the US instead.
Local postage to China is also US$ 9.99, so it's not even the local costs it shows, but the costs to the US.


A third problem is that I set "My eBay Country: eBay United Kingdom" on you Website yesterday.
But when I checked the Android today it still showed My eBay Country: eBay United States. So the website setting for My eBay Country doesn't synchronize with the Android App. So now I set the android app to My eBay Country: eBay United Kingdom too.
But postage is still wrong at the website, even after a refresh for this item.


Last edited on Sun Nov 03, 2013 10:23 AM.
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 Sun Nov 03, 2013 02:56 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

sniper1 wrote:

eBay ID: 350913554202
Postage shown by sniper: US$ 7.99 (this is actually this items postage from China to the US):
Real postage from China to the UK: US$ 9.99

Fetching International shipping prices was disabled in the sniper because eBay was providing invalid information sometimes.
Please refer to the real listing for the actual shipping.
Sorry for inconveniences, but I think it's better to show nothing than show misleading information.

sniper1 wrote:

A third problem is that I set "My eBay Country: eBay United Kingdom" on you Website yesterday.
But when I checked the Android today it still showed My eBay Country: eBay United States. So the website setting for My eBay Country doesn't synchronize with the Android App. So now I set the android app to My eBay Country: eBay United Kingdom too.
But postage is still wrong at the website, even after a refresh for this item.

Your Android app has its own settings, so it's not suppose to synchronize.
That setting affects how the item is opened using internal browser only.

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 Tue Nov 05, 2013 12:05 PM Quote

Sashka wrote:
sniper1 wrote:

eBay ID: 350913554202
Postage shown by sniper: US$ 7.99 (this is actually this items postage from China to the US):
Real postage from China to the UK: US$ 9.99

Fetching International shipping prices was disabled in the sniper because eBay was providing invalid information sometimes.
Please refer to the real listing for the actual shipping.
Sorry for inconveniences, but I think it's better to show nothing than show misleading information.

But Myibidder does show misleading information. When I click snipe at the above eBay ID, Myibidder still shows Shipping: US $ 7.99, even though the actual shipping to the UK (and Denmark) is actually US $ 9.99.
US $ 7.99 is only the shipping costs to the US, while the local shipping costs within China is US $ 9.99 like it is to the UK and Denmark.

Sashka wrote:
sniper1 wrote:

A third problem is that I set "My eBay Country: eBay United Kingdom" on you Website yesterday.
But when I checked the Android today it still showed My eBay Country: eBay United States. So the website setting for My eBay Country doesn't synchronize with the Android App. So now I set the android app to My eBay Country: eBay United Kingdom too.
But postage is still wrong at the website, even after a refresh for this item.

Your Android app has its own settings, so it's not suppose to synchronize.
That setting affects how the item is opened using internal browser only.

You might call it a feature that they Myibidder doesn't synchronize it's settings across platforms, but I call it a bug.

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 Tue Nov 05, 2013 04:21 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

But Myibidder does show misleading information. When I click snipe at the above eBay ID, Myibidder still shows Shipping: US $ 7.99, even though the actual shipping to the UK (and Denmark) is actually US $ 9.99.

That's how it was provided by eBay. That's why I consider it as not reliable and highly suggest to verify it on eBay directly.

You might call it a feature that they Myibidder doesn't synchronize it's settings across platforms, but I call it a bug.

Why? Each device can have it's own settings. I see nothing wrong with it.

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International shipping does still not show... Wed Feb 04, 2015 10:06 AM Quote

Wonder why... Jbidwatcher does show the shipping cost to Denmark - Windows version of Myibidder does not...

If I can read the shippingcost with my eyes - then Myibidder also can do it... it is very annoying that the shippingpart does not work.

IMHO it sounds like not wasting effort on users not in a "ebay country"

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 Wed Feb 04, 2015 03:32 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

eBay does not always provide shipping information reliable, especially when seller offers multiple shipping methods or shipping is calculated dynamically based on your address.

I guess other snipers decided to show this information even though it can't be invalid or misleading. Myibidder does not show it when it's not 100% guaranteed.
I'm sorry for any possible inconveniences.

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