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General Support for Myibidder service
Comments, Suggestions and Ideas
Thank You Sun Oct 13, 2013 01:43 AM Quote
Posts: 3
Member Since: Sep 24, 2013

I had been looking for snipe software for awhile now finally settling on my bidder.

About a week ago I found a camera that I really wanted having used one for a short time in 1968 and never forgot it. I set up my snipe quickly, easily, and intuitively with the maximum bid I felt that I could afford with a 5 second time. When the final minute came I resisted the temptation to up my max. bid and the next thing I knew I had won the auction for much less then my max bid!

I received my camera on Friday and it is everything that I had read and hoped for.

I sent in a few questions to the forum before the auction was done and received prompt and courteous replies in each case even though my questions may have seemed simplistic because I was not experienced with snipe programs.

I want to thank you for not just a great program but for fulfilling all that your website claims about the program and it's support.


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 Sun Oct 13, 2013 04:21 AM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

I'm glad you got the item you wished so badly, Steven.
Thanks a lot for sharing and good luck sniping!

eBay is a gem for collectioners. I always find some nice little treasures there.

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