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General Support for Myibidder service
Comments, Suggestions and Ideas
way to improve the "Sell Price" search (beta) Thu May 01, 2008 10:28 AM Quote

Hi from paris/france
At first, thanks +++ for your job, great, really

the "Sell Price" search is a very interesting feature. You might improve it by allowing search worldwide (not only ebay.US).
You may restrict the area trough a list with all the ebay sites and a comboBox and multiselect (or N checkboxes).

It will be interesting to focus on the searching period (last month, last 3 month...)

Regards ans 10000000000000 apologises for my poor english language level

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 Thu May 01, 2008 12:37 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Having to search worldwide is in ToDo list and will be done for sure.
There are more plans on this feature to help you list your item more effectively. Coming soon :)
Thanks for your interest and suggestions.

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Another idea.. Sun May 11, 2008 10:34 PM Quote

My idea for more accurate market averages:

Disclaimer: The %'s may need to be tweaked..

1. Take all prices based on a search and get the average.
2. Create a range that is 66% to 133% of this average..

Example: A search for 'Widget' might return 200 results with an average price of $50. The range for $50, with the above %'s, is $33.33 to 66.66..

3. Now average out the search results that fall within the newly created range..

What this would do is pinpoint a more precise average by removing auctions that probably shouldn't be included in the average.. For example, broken items that sell for 50% or less, multiple same-item auctions, or auctions that are lots (such as a console system that comes with games and accessories)..

Another idea could be to eliminate auctions that contain certain strings, like -"as is" -"broken" -"lot"

Hope this helps!

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 Mon May 12, 2008 03:25 AM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

I personally do it like this:
I search for something, and then I see some items which do not really belong to my results, then I exclude it from the search and search it again.
Unfortunately, I can't guess the percentage and guess what is your range... maybe you are looking for something below the average?

Try to exclude words. For example:
you don't need "as is", then put it like this:
widget -"as is"

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