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General Myibidder support
App placed bid I didn't want & didn't place bid I did want Thu May 15, 2014 05:21 PM Quote
Posts: 5
Member Since: May 15, 2014
Location: San Antonio

I have been using Myibidder sucessfully for years so I am well aware of how it works. I recently downloaded the free app & was considering buying the paid version if it worked out well. However, it seems I've run into some issues. Of the 3 snipes I have placed so far, two have had problems. The first was for item 351061117109. I placed a max bid of $2.75, several hours before the auction ended. I kept looking around & a few minutes later found a "Buy it Now" item I liked better. I went back to the app & cancelled the snipe, even deleting it entirely. Then when the auction ended I get a notice the snipe went thru & won. I went back to check - the My Snipe column said <Not Set> & when I logged into the website the activate snipe box was unchecked. I know that if you cancel a snipe within 30 seconds of auction end its still likely to go thru but I canceled well before that. I just ended up paying for the item & at the time figured it was probably a one time occurrence. Now I am not so sure.

The second problem happened today with item 331201417726. I placed a max bid for $0.31 about 45 minutes before auction end. The snipe didn't go thru so no bid was placed & no one won the auction. I checked "My status" in both the app & myibidder website but its blank for both. Every snipe I've placed on the website that didn't go thru always gave the reason in my status. I read other posts on reasons why bids wouldn't be placed. I checked to see if that seller accepted a manual bid for a different similar auction (331204013156) & it went thru. I also placed a snipe on that auction with the app, it is currently in "Active Items." My PayPal account is linked to my eBay account, my address & credit card are verified with PayPal and have not been changed recently. The credit card doesn't expire until 2016. I am using the same device, a tablet, for the app and to check/make snipes on the website. I have not used any another device to access myibidder or ebay in at least 3 months, maybe longer. The activate snipe box is checked, set for 6 seconds and I did save the snipe when I put the bid amount in. I was very careful to do so because of what happened with the deleted snipe reappearing. I wanted to make sure there was no chance of user error this time. The activate snipe box was checked & saved. I even went back in immediately to double check & resave it. Then I checked to make sure the bid was listed under "Active Items" and the amount showed up as "My Bid". Then I left it alone for the next 40 minutes or so until the auction was over. When I noticed no bid was placed I rechecked everything. The amount I bid ($0.31) is higher than the starting bid ($0.01) & no one else bid. The item didn't have a reserve (I saw others win similiarly set up auctions from the same seller for a $0.01 bid) and wasn't likely to need a verification step. Neither does my ebay account, since I have not made any changes to my account in months. All the info, including the password I entered to login to the app, is all the same as a week ago when the snipe I deleted went thru. I checked the auction to see if the seller ended it early, but it says "Bidding has ended on this item", the same message that appears on items that time has run out on but not won. I checked to see if there was a shipping restriction to Texas/US but the seller is located in & ships to the US. I have looked at everything I can possibly think of to try to explain why the bid didn't go thru. The snipe just shows up as being completed in the app, neither won or lost and no explanation in my status. Was there a delay on your end or is it an issue with the app?

I've never had any problems like this in the years I have placed snipes on the myibidder website, these problems seem to be only with snipes placed thru the free app. I want to upgrade the app to Pro because it would be much more convenient but I am hesitant to do that if it doesn't work correctly or there is extra lag time between the app & eBay.

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 Thu May 15, 2014 05:56 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Not sure what you refer to "deleted it entirely" if you still be able to see <Not Set>.
I see you de-activated the snipe at about 4:21a on May 8th.
Auction ended at about 5:27a on May 7th.
I also see there was a change to the snipe at about 3:15a on May 7th, but the change did not do anything with de-activing.

This was an issue on the sniper's side in this case.
There was a recent security note from the vendor so the server required an urgent upgrade.
Some snipes were affected including yours. It's back to normal since than.
I'm sorry it affected your snipe.

Please let me know if you have more questions or need more information.

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But I DID delete it! Fri May 16, 2014 04:59 AM Quote

Sashka wrote:

Not sure what you refer to "deleted it entirely" if you still be able to see <Not Set>.
I see you de-activated the snipe at about 4:21a on May 8th.
Auction ended at about 5:27a on May 7th.
I also see there was a change to the snipe at about 3:15a on May 7th, but the change did not do anything with de-activing.

I am saying that I originally made the bid around 3:15am, browsed eBay a bit, came back at 4:21am on May 7th (not May 8th I am VERY sure about that) to deactivate it. I unchecked the box & saved it, then just to be sure it was gone, deleted the listing. YES, I deleted the entire snipe listing BEFORE the auction ended so you can imagine I was extremely surprised to not only find the listing had reappeared somehow but had actually won too. However, even though it came back, it was definately NOT active (activate box unchecked & bid said <Not Set>) when I checked it at 5:28am on May 7, immediately upon receiving the win notice in my email. I decided not to fight the win so I paid for it at 5:35am. It was shipped at 10:29am. This all happened on May 7th. By May 8th I had put it behind me, I didn't log in to eBay or myibidder or make/change any snipes that night. Regardless of when it supposedly happened, the snipe should not still be there now because I definitely did delete the listing. I even clicked on refresh to make sure it was really gone. I am not confused about the order this happened in, I saw the snipe was already inactive at 5:28am on May 7, one minute after the auction ended & 23 hours before your data says the only deactivation was made. I didn't log in or make any changes to myibidder past 5:35am on May 7 until today, May 15. Why would a deleted snipe reappear, make a bid while inactive, and then have the wrong date for deactivation? This is what happened on my end anyway, the data on your end doesn't seem to coincide for some reason.

This was an issue on the sniper's side in this case.
There was a recent security note from the vendor so the server required an urgent upgrade.
Some snipes were affected including yours. It's back to normal since than.
I'm sorry it affected your snipe.

Thank you for letting me know why this snipe didn't go thru. I understand sometimes things happen beyond anyone's control. I am dissapointed I didn't get to win the auction but I have a few more chances with similar auctions to get it in the next few days. Hopefully we can figure out what caused all those other problems in the app, I'd like to upgrade to Pro by then so I can use groups.

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 Fri May 16, 2014 05:04 AM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

I clearly see it was done on May 8th.
My only guess is that maybe you deleted another snipe instead? Or deletion did not complete due to connection or network issue?
Unfortunately, I could only check what happens on the server side, but not on client side.

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Maybe a connection issue? Fri May 16, 2014 12:32 PM Quote

Since that was the only the second snipe I had made since downloading the app & both of them are still there, its not a matter of deleting the wrong one. As you say there could have been a communication problem between the app & server. I suppose it'll just have to be a mystery. Hopefully its just a one time occurance. I'm going to keep using the app for now but if any more problems come up I'll be sure to let you know. In the meantime I guess I just have to be absolutely sure I want an item before placing a snipe since deactivation/deletion may not work properly in the app.

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 Sat May 17, 2014 01:45 AM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Deactivation works fine. Unfortunately, we don't have enough information to see exactly what happened.
Anyway, please feel free to contact me if anything.

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It happened again Sun May 18, 2014 12:58 PM Quote
Posts: 5
Member Since: May 15, 2014
Location: San Antonio

A while ago I deleted several listings I had placed $0.01 manual test bids on but didn't put a snipe amount or activate them. Then today when I log in to the app (Pro version now) I noticed 400709430314 had reappeared in Completed Items. So I logged in with the browser to see if it is there too & it is. I am absolutely positive I deleted all of these test bid listings, including this one. After what happened last time I was super careful to make sure I did it right. I also hit refresh after deleting then logged in with the browser to make sure all of them were really gone. It didn't place a bid because I hadn't activated the snipe or put in a bid amount. However I am worried that if I had put in a winning amount I would have ended up with another item I didn't want. I can't figure out why certain deleted bids would reappear in the app like this.

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 Sun May 18, 2014 04:43 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

That sounds really weird. Nobody reported such issue so far.
I know this is easier ask than do, but please try to watch those kind of changes more carefully so we could replicate the whole picture more precisely in the future.

Currently, 400709430314 is in the system, but does not have any snipes set (and it never had).

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 Sun May 18, 2014 05:48 PM Quote
Posts: 5
Member Since: May 15, 2014
Location: San Antonio

The info you have for 400709430314 is correct. I never set a snipe for it, it just shouldn't still be in the system because I deleted it.

I can set up a log of changes I make. Anytime I plan to delete a listing I will first make a note of the item#, date/time and bid status at time of deletion. Then if it reappears later you have an exact time to research what happened. As far as I can tell this only happens when using the app to delete, I've never had this problem with the website but I can use both to delete listings if it would help to compare. I've only used the app on an Acer Iconia A1-810 tablet so far but I have it on my phone if you think I should be checking to see if it happens on another device. Is that all the information you need? I really want to figure out what is causing this because using the app is much more convenient for me & I don't want the money I spent on upgrading to the Pro version to be for nothing. I'm happy to help work out any bugs.

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 Sun May 18, 2014 05:52 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Yes, that should help.

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