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General Support for Myibidder service
General Myibidder support
Bidding on auction with Reserve Price and Buy It Now Option Mon Jun 23, 2014 06:13 PM Quote
Posts: 5
Member Since: Jun 15, 2014

I'm interested in an auction with a reserve price and buy it now and want to see how my snipe would work. For example:

Starting bid is $2.
Seller's Reserve Price is $7. (Unknown to bidders)
Buy it now price is $10.

Please let me know if my understanding is correct:

If I bid $2, the Buy it Now option will disappear.

If I set my snipe at $6, I will not win the auction because it is below reserve price.

If I set my snipe at $9 and there are no other bidders, I will win at $7. * Will my snipe just bid the minimum amount to meet the reserve price and win the auction? *

If I set my snipe higher than $7 and there are other bidders, whichever bidder with the highest snipe price will win.

If I set my snipe at $9 and there are no other bidders but there is one buyer who uses Buy It Now at $10 before the auction ends, the Buy It Now buyer will win.

Thank you for your help.

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 Mon Jun 23, 2014 06:57 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

bargainhunter wrote:
If I bid $2, the Buy it Now option will disappear.

It depends on the category, but most of the time it will disappear.

bargainhunter wrote:
If I set my snipe at $6, I will not win the auction because it is below reserve price.

That's correct.

bargainhunter wrote:
If I set my snipe at $9 and there are no other bidders, I will win at $7.

That's correct.

bargainhunter wrote:
If I set my snipe higher than $7 and there are other bidders, whichever bidder with the highest snipe price will win.


bargainhunter wrote:
If I set my snipe at $9 and there are no other bidders but there is one buyer who uses Buy It Now at $10 before the auction ends, the Buy It Now buyer will win.

Yes. The sniper will not even have a chance to bid because the auction will be ended earlier due to BIN.

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