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General Support for Myibidder service
General Myibidder support
Something wrong with ibidder! Fri Aug 01, 2014 06:28 PM Quote
Posts: 1
Member Since: Jul 30, 2014
Location: CA

I have been using ibidder for a while now and has not let me down... in the past that is... I am so disappointed that I just recently lost two items when I set my bid to higher than the winning bid.

1) Winning Bid was $4.24 when my highest bid was $9.99. There were only 2 bids. Someone bid $4.24 within the two-minute period and during the last 6 seconds, ibidder did not bid on the item at all.

2)Again, there were only 2 bidders. The winning bid was $9.49 and I placed a high bid of $11.99. Again, someone bid in the last minute and thought that there might just be a glitch the first time, I watched the last 6 seconds tick away only to be disappointed once more that ibidder did not automatically bid.

Is there maybe an update that I did not get or does it not work work with Chrome or eBay anymore? Is there maybe a new plugin or setting?

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 Fri Aug 01, 2014 06:58 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

You did not include the item numbers in question so I have no way to check.
I'm guessing that you did not meet seller's or eBay's requirements for your bid to be accepted.

If you don't want to share the item numbers, please check the Status field of your snipes for the exact reason on what happened.

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