banzai |
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Posts: 2 |
Member Since: Aug 04, 2014 |
Location: depends |
hi there,
i need to ask some advice, to make sure my first ever snipe goes through with no problems. you see, i'm bidding on air tickets, and would really like to win them ;)
i've left all the default settings except for "snipe target" which i've changed to canada, as that's where the seller is located. is that a smart thing to do, seeing as how this feature is described as "experimental"?
other than that, i was wondering if the default currency you input into the web application is us dollars? because what i have on my paypal are rubles right now. would i have to convert the currency, or does myibay detect which currency is set on my profile? i actually don't even know if that's what it's set as right now, will have to check in the settings.
the auction ends in 5 hours, any help would be really appreciated! also, my ebay nik is " gearshift " if that helps, and i've put a snipe on the auction i'm bidding on in the web interface
Last edited on Mon Aug 04, 2014 12:51 PM.
Sashka |
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Posts: 3804 |
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008 |
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There is no need to ask your question multiple times. It will not speed up the response.
The "Snipe target" has nothing to do with where the seller is located, so you can leave it at default as well.
The bidding currency is the one as listed by the seller. The same exact way as if you would bid manually on eBay.
banzai |
Newbie |
Posts: 2 |
Member Since: Aug 04, 2014 |
Location: depends |
awesome, well thanks for your help either way. i was just kind of stressed and desperate to win. everything worked like a charm! despite the fact i screwed up and put up the bids at the very last moment, way under three minutes. i am now the happy owner of two round trip flexible destination tickets which cost next to nothing. to anyone out there who's doubting this service - just give it a try! easy to use, great support, and best of all - has a free version. i wish i were getting paid to say all this lol, doesn't get better than that