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General Support for Myibidder service
General Myibidder support
eBay outage costing sellers MILLIONS $$$ Mon Sep 15, 2014 03:01 AM Quote

Please see the thread I created on eBay and share if you can help prove people are losing money!!!

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 Mon Sep 15, 2014 03:20 AM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Thank you for your efforts. I hope that will give some kick into resolving overall issues.

From my own experience, eBay was pretty good and stable with their reliability before they started having such issues a few months ago.
I believe they have a good team working and resolving those issues.
It's not a matter of not having issues (that's not possible with such complex system as eBay), it's a matter how they are getting handled.

There are several issues: some are general issues affecting all users, some are affecting snipers only (adding captcha, etc).
I recently sent them an email asking to work out issues and have a direct contact with snipers. After all, snipers bring more buyers and have no direct threat for eBay's security. There are many things they can benefit from it (including security related topics).
Unfortunately, I got no response so far. I really hope they listen because I love eBay and wish good things to them only.

Last edited on Mon Sep 15, 2014 03:25 AM.
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 Mon Sep 15, 2014 04:16 AM Quote

Thank you for making this a separate thread.

I hope enough people post on the eBay forum to make this a bigger issue.

I also sent a message to this reporter who has been covering the outages;

eBay Crashes Like It's 1999

eBay to Credit Fees for Transactions Impacted by Lockout

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