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General Support for Myibidder service
Comments, Suggestions and Ideas
You've been out bid Alert Mon Oct 13, 2014 07:49 PM Quote
Posts: 1
Member Since: Oct 13, 2014

I've done some looking and didn't see this idea brought up , if it has been I'm sorry for beating a dead horse.

But how about a simple alert that someone has outbid your max bid. For example ,if its a 3 day auction and my max bid is $10.00 , at anytime during the auction if someone has openly bid over my max bid , I get an alert and can decide if I want to up my bid or not. The way it is now you have to constantly monitor the auction to make sure this doesn't happen.

I love this app and this is my only gripe . I think adding such an alert would make this an absolutely perfect sniper. I did pay for the pro edition and use it for just about every auction I bid on .

Last edited on Mon Oct 13, 2014 07:57 PM.
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 Mon Oct 13, 2014 08:59 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

One of the reasons for sniping is not to be emotionally involved into bidding wars by increasing your snipe based on other bids.
What you are suggesting is exactly the opposite -- being alerted that bidding went higher and suggesting to increase your snipe and having a risk to overpay because of this.

Instead, please use your absolute maximum when setting up your snipe. If you feel like, you would pay $1 extra, then add to it until you say "No, I would not pay a penny extra over it".

Sorry I did not bring your wish to life, but please try to think it as "set it and forget it".

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