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General Support for Myibidder service
Comments, Suggestions and Ideas
Group Buy Limit By Count Sat Mar 28, 2015 07:49 PM Quote
Posts: 2
Member Since: Mar 28, 2015

I am an active user with 500+ snipes all the time. However items I am buying comes in different numbers per lot. Therefore default group buy limit system is not that suitable for me to use because overbuying is highly possible. Therefore I need to check regularly and adjust my snipes by hand. Can you add an optional count field when adding a new item(can be default to 1 to maintain backwards compatibility) and also group buy limit for total number of count of bought items (can be default 1 for same reason). Sniping can stop when total count in the group is greater than or equal to the count buy limit. This addition would immensely helpful for me.
Thank you in advance

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 Sun Mar 29, 2015 03:56 AM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

I'm not sure what you mean. If you need to win 10 listings, you just set your limit to 10.

If you mean that some listings may have multiple items listed as one lot, then the sniper can't really analyze the description and adjust your group limit accordingly.
If you want to analyze it, then you can adjust your limit when you see it. Otherwise, it will be confusing for most users.
Please note that you still have a chance to overbuy when some listings have uneven number of items (i.e. seller sells in quantities of 5, but you need 6 items total only).
You may want to try to separate some listings into different groups with different limits, but it may be more complicated to manage in the long run.

Please let me know if you meant something else.

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 Sun Mar 29, 2015 05:43 AM Quote
Posts: 2
Member Since: Mar 28, 2015

I am buying collectible cards. Some sellers sells them one by one and some sells them as a playset. I am extracting how many cards an auction contains so there is no need for sniper to analyze the description and find it. I just want to input it while I am adding a snipe.

Lets say I want buy 4 copies of card "abcdf"

And there are 4 auctions from different sellers which sells 2, 2, 3, 4 copies of "abcdf" respectively.

I am putting them into the same group because they are all copies of the same card. With current system, I need to manually reactivate all suitable snipes every time I won.

Behavior I want can be summarized as follows:

I create group "abcdf" and set its quantity limit to 4(entered by me)(if I wouldn't enter it, it would be 1 which is same with current system)
Add auction 1 with quantity 2(entered by me)(if I wouldn't enter it, it would be 1 which is same with current system)
Add auction 2 with quantity 2(entered by me)(if I wouldn't enter it, it would be 1 which is same with current system)
Add auction 3 with quantity 3(entered by me)(if I wouldn't enter it, it would be 1 which is same with current system)
Add auction 4 with quantity 4(entered by me)(if I wouldn't enter it, it would be 1 which is same with current system)

When I won auctions, total buy count of the group increases by the quantity I entered before.
Then system checks if the buy count of group is greater than or equal to the quantity limit of the group. If it is, system disables all snipes in that group.

Two example winnings of previous four auctions:

Example 1
I won auction 1
Quantity Limit = 4
Buy Count = 2
Auction 1 - Won
Auction 2 - Active
Auction 3 - Active
Auction 4 - Active

Then I won auction 3
Quantity Limit = 4
Buy Count = 5
Auction 1 - Won
Auction 2 - Passive
Auction 3 - Won
Auction 4 - Passive

Example 2
I won auction 4
Quantity Limit = 4
Buy Count = 4
Auction 1 - Passive
Auction 2 - Passive
Auction 3 - Passive
Auction 4 - Won

Yes it is still possible to overbuy in this case but it is limited. Because Nobody selling more than 4 copies at once, i can only buy excess 3 copies which is tolerable.

Also if you can provide some kind of simple API to add snipes directly it would be good as well. Right now I am emulating browser's behavior to add snipes automatically. It creates unnecessary amount of traffic and slows down the process.

Again, thank you for your consideration.

Last edited on Sun Mar 29, 2015 05:49 AM.
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 Sat Apr 04, 2015 12:41 AM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

I'm sorry for delay. I missed your response.
I see your point. I still think this is a very rare feature and most users would be just more confused.
However, I'll consider it anyway. Unfortunately, I can't promise on that.
Thank you for your suggestion.

There is a private API for the sniper, but it's paid. You pay for each won snipe. Please contact support directly if you wish to go that way and implement your feature on your side.

Last edited on Sat Apr 04, 2015 12:43 AM.
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