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General Support for Myibidder service
Comments, Suggestions and Ideas
A few suggestions from a noob Fri Apr 03, 2015 05:54 AM Quote
Posts: 3
Member Since: Mar 25, 2015
Location: Oregon, USA

Just a few things that spring to mind:
1. Needs a way to manually input those shipping charges that it doesn't suck in by itself.
2. Needs to update itself instead of forcing one to resnipe just to update the number of bids & current price.
3. Needs to EITHER allow user to process Buy It Now transactions via MyIbidder, or allow manual input on such purchases, & have MIB update Groups accordingly.
4. Needs means to handle Cancelled/Refunded transactions.
5. Needs a way to manually change the qty being bid/bought on variable qty listings.
6. Needs a means to set groups/set snipe on all selected rows w/o needing to revert to Ebay to do.
7. Needs means to set snipe at X minus Shipping Charge for a group of items with varied charges.
8. Needs a way to add Notes and Highlights to specific rows.
9. Need to be able to add custom labels to Stage & Payment fields.
10. Need to be able to sort by column.
11. Would be nice to be able to have MIB automatically search for & add items that meet specific criteria.
12. Would be nice to have option to set different colors for each Group.

I've only been using MIB for a couple weeks, so, admittedly, there may be other things I haven't come across yet, but the above are issues I've had in that time. Indeed, perhaps many of the above are already incorporated & I simply haven't found the means to activate them.

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 Sat Apr 04, 2015 03:11 AM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Thank you for your suggestions. However, it seems like you are trying to achieve some things which are not designed for the sniper.

Let's go over each piece to avoid confusions.

1. This change is in ToDo list and eventually will be implemented. It's not on the highest priority so there is no ETA on it yet.

2. Not sure what you mean. Once you set the snipe, you don't need to resnipe anything. If you need to update the current bid, you can just click "Refresh" button on the Snipe screen. Please note that the current bid does not affect sniping in any way.

3. Purchasing is between you and eBay. Myibidder has nothing with this process. If you like BIN price, you should purchase it directly on eBay without being Myibidder involved into that. Not to mention that most seller require immediate payment by PayPal and I don't want to store your PayPal information since this is your financial information which you want to keep private.

4. This is also between you and eBay. The sniper just places your bid, it does not handle refunds and things like that. If you have any issues with your transaction, you need to deal with it using eBay protection program or PayPal.

5. This is under consideration, but there is no guarantee it will be implemented because of low interest. I personally find it interesting, but that's mostly the matter not to confuse other users.

6. You can do it using current version of Windows application:

7. Unfortunately, many seller offers multiple shipping methods or shipping is calculated dynamically at the time of payment based on your shipping address. The sniper has no way to know the shipping in advance. When you place your bid on eBay, the shipping price is not automatically included in that. Shipping is always extra.

8. The "My Notes" is implemented in the Windows app as well. However, this feature may be removed because the majority of users don't use it anyway, but it's getting abused most of the time.

9. Those fields bring more confusion that use. These are considered to be removed too. These are optional right now. However, adding more fields can be done easily if your options are common for other users. Let me know which ones.

10. This is done in Windows application as well.

11. I'm afraid that may bring too many problems because some sellers think it's appropriate to add some unrelated keywords to their listings while their items have nothing to do with it. You may end up winning items you don't want.

12. This is in ToDo list, but on lower priority.

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