"Unauthorized use of your account -- action required" email from eBay | Mon Oct 31, 2016 05:37 PM | |  |
uncle_rico2013 |
Guest |
Since purchasing the stand-alone version of Myibidder, eBay has sent me two "Unauthorized use of your account -- action required" emails within two weeks, and killed my password without my consent both times. I strongly suspect this is due to sniping activity via Myibidder. I've had to change my password twice within a short time frame, and I suspect it will keep happening. Because of this, I've missed out on some important snipes. Any way around this??? Please help!
| Wed Nov 02, 2016 01:41 AM | |  |
Sashka |
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Posts: 3804 |
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008 |
Location: www.myibidder.com |
Many reported (and I had the same experience) that once you change it a few times, eBay would not bother you anymore.
After all, that activity was actually authorized by you.
Last edited on Wed Nov 02, 2016 01:42 AM.
| Fri Nov 04, 2016 07:08 PM | |  |
Guest |
I certainly hope so. Just happened again for the third time.
| Sat Nov 05, 2016 12:56 PM | |  |
momo |
Guest |
I have the same problem using myibidder. since 2 weeks i have two times of "Unauthorized use of your account"
Whats the reason??
| Sun Nov 06, 2016 01:42 AM | |  |
Sashka |
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Posts: 3804 |
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008 |
Location: www.myibidder.com |
eBay does not know if it was you or someone else, so they may block it.
Many users reported that once they change it a few times, it works fine.
If you are still having the same issue, you can try to contact eBay and tell that it was actually authorized by you.
| Mon Nov 07, 2016 03:48 AM | |  |
Just happened for the fourth time.
| Tue Nov 08, 2016 02:15 AM | |  |
Sashka |
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Posts: 3804 |
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008 |
Location: www.myibidder.com |
Did you try to contact eBay about it and tell them this was authorized?
ebay Unauthorized use of your account | Wed Nov 09, 2016 08:44 PM | |  |
johnnydec1 |
Guest |
happened to me twice
"Unauthorized use of your account -- action required" email from eBay | Tue Nov 22, 2016 09:38 PM | |  |
| Tue Nov 22, 2016 10:57 PM | |  |
Sashka |
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Posts: 3804 |
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008 |
Location: www.myibidder.com |
Maybe you can try to create another eBay account for sniping purposes and see if that will clear things up for you.
| Mon Dec 05, 2016 03:58 PM | |  |
Guest |
I've been having the same troubles, guess it's time to try a different sniping service or have people had same unauthorized messages from using other snipers?
| Mon Dec 05, 2016 09:01 PM | |  |
Sashka |
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Posts: 3804 |
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008 |
Location: www.myibidder.com |
I had the same issue on my own account for 3 times during one week. Once I changed the password, it works fine since than.
I did not have to create another eBay account, but some users did that to make it work.
| Mon Dec 05, 2016 09:41 PM | |  |
artsgirl4ever |
Guest |
... I'm having similar problems with Youbidder and Gixen snipe services.
change password | Tue Dec 06, 2016 06:11 AM | |  |
bobbijshop |
Guest |
I have the same issue, 3x now in the past few weeks. I called Ebay and the lady had no idea how to make it so myibidder gets through all the time. It is so odd because it will allow snipe snipe snipe then all of a sudden stop.....and decide the same snipe service i have used over and over is a fraudulent attack. It is a bummer! I blame Ebay and whatever weird security algorithm they have recently implemented. I just hope maybe if enough people complain they will figure it out
| Tue Dec 06, 2016 10:06 PM | |  |
Sashka |
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Posts: 3804 |
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008 |
Location: www.myibidder.com |
The majority of accounts looks good. A few are affected only.
If nothing helps, you can try to create another eBay account for sniping purposes.
Last edited on Wed Dec 07, 2016 07:41 PM.
Me too! | Wed Dec 28, 2016 08:48 AM | |  |
emerckx |
Guest |
Changed it 8 times in the last 2 months. Sometimes good for 2 days sometimes for 2 weeks. I think eBay is looking at IP addresses that bids come from compared to your searces IP address. Petty easy to figure out that Myibay's IP adress bids a lot from different people. It is a problem for other programs see Gixen or eBay forums. May just end up using a home computer based program to see if that helps.
| Thu Dec 29, 2016 04:02 AM | |  |
Sashka |
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Posts: 3804 |
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008 |
Location: www.myibidder.com |
Yes, I know it's a pain. Sorry to hear it.
I snipe my own stuff with no problems as well as I see other users snipe too.
You could try to create another eBay account for sniping purposes to see if that will clear things up for you.
| Tue Jan 17, 2017 10:56 AM | |  |
ejw |
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Posts: 8 |
Member Since: Aug 24, 2013 |
Hi Sashka,
I've been using your service for quite a while and am very happy that you created something so useful. (And then making it available for free!)
Recently, I've been having the same login problems with my snipes failing with the snipe status reading "Refused login (password problem?)" and then receiving the same email from eBay that the other users have been getting ("Unauthorized use of your account -- action required").
This is now the fifth time it has happened.
I have not been able to spot a pattern as to when / why this happens, other than it seems to be about once a month. I suspect that it's a random security challenge and that a failure causes the account to be locked.
I'll keep trying to figure out what triggers it, and if I find any useful information, I'll post it.
And (just for reference), I realize that this is almost certainly on the eBay side rather than on your side. But if all of us in the myibay community try to figure out the pattern, perhaps we can help identify a suitable workaround.
Thanks again for all your hard work.
| Wed Jan 18, 2017 12:13 AM | |  |
Sashka |
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Posts: 3804 |
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008 |
Location: www.myibidder.com |
Hi Eric,
It seems like eBay keep adjusting their algorithms to minimize false positives because it became more rare compared to how it was just a month or two ago. Also, less accounts are being affected too.
I hope it will be gone soon.
| Sun Jan 22, 2017 06:15 PM | |  |
Sashka and all,
I was relieved to find this thread and see that I was not the only Myibidder user to have issues with eBay beginning to send me authorized use notices.
It started to occur a few months ago. Some five times in one month eBay sent me the notices. I finally contacted eBay, went through the affected bids with a rep, and identified every one as a bid I had set up through Myibidder. The eBay rep said she would put a note on my account that I use such a tool. That seemed to settle the matter.
However, two months later the notices, and of course consequent prevention of my bids, have started again. Again I contacted eBay. Once more I identified the bid as my bid through Myibidder. But this time I got a lecture from the eBay rep about how they discourage the use of outside bidding tools and how it was about fairness. I chafed and replied that such tools are a common and accepted practice and that they are an important protection and convenience for bidders, protection and convenience eBay can't and doesn't offer. I was given another lecture about how well safeguarded eBay is, which experience has taught many of us is false, and how therefore they couldn't and wouldn't help me.
She then told me that eBay is actually working increasingly to prevent such bids when they don't correspond with the IP address and location of the user, which they record. They see it as an important security measure, so if I wanted to keep using such a tool, I could do so at my own risk. At which point I informed her that eBay making using its site inconvenient would only lead to my no longer using it, and I ended what was a futile conversation.
I never had problems using Myibidder on eBay before this. So obviously the rep was not exaggerating when she said eBay is working to prevent activity it deems as potentially threatening, which is how it perceives bids the IP and location for which do not correspond with a user's account. Hence, I don't expect help but further hindrance from eBay for the use of outside bidding tools.