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General Support for Myibidder service
General Myibidder support
Ebay locked my account just for using Myibidder. ( Claimed unauthorized user) Thu Aug 10, 2017 06:50 AM Quote
Posts: 1
Member Since: Aug 10, 2017

Ebay locked my account just for using Myibidder.

After days of not being able to log in, I had to finally call and answer question from public records to get back on my account. They said there was an unauthorized user who hijacked my account, etc....

They cancelled the transaction and even though I had paid for the item and it was going to be delivered that very day, it was redirected from USPS back to the seller(did not even know they could do that)

I called Ebay and they said it was because my IP was in Florida but they showed I logged in from New York to buy the item.

I used myibidder to buy the item in question.

Why is myibidder not on Ebay's white list on acceptable programs.

Does this mean is some user get banned for life while using myibidder, then every person will be banned for life by virtual of being " linked" to his account by also using myibidder. Is Ebay really that stupid?

Why can myibidder not be on some kind of Ebay white list?

Last edited on Thu Aug 10, 2017 06:52 AM.
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 Thu Aug 10, 2017 02:12 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

I already responded to you in the support ticket.
I don't think eBay is targetting snipers specifically. They have to tune and adjust their security system all the time. This is a non-ending job because attack vectors change every day. What you got is a side-effect of that. Sorry to hear it.

My suggestion is to create another eBay account for sniping purposes until it will be cleared up on their side.

P.S.: Normally, a package can be redirected by sender only, not by eBay. I think your seller did that.

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