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General Support for Myibidder service
General Myibidder support
Mybidder fails to submit winning bid. Sun Sep 10, 2017 07:38 PM Quote

Not for the first time, Mybidder has failed to place what would have been a winning bid for me this evening.

The message on the 'lost' bid was that my password had failed. My password works fine, as I have subsequently logged out and back in to eBay several times since the Mybidder failure. However, having logged out of Mybidder, I repeatedy get the message "Error while trying to login. Wrong eBay user id or password".

The user ID and password are identical to those I am using to log in to eBay.

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 Mon Sep 11, 2017 01:41 AM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

The sniper can't see how you logged in or logged out from eBay, this has nothing to do with how the sniper logs in.

There is a new process to link your eBay account. Please link it here:

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 Mon Sep 11, 2017 08:44 AM Quote

Thanks for reply, but the point I was making is that my eBay username and password were demonstrably correct, but Myibidder failed to place my bid and reported a password error.

When I subsequently logged out of Myibidder and attempted to log back in, it repeatedly refused to recognise my correct eBay username and password until many hours later (this morning), when it correctly recognised them.

I have now linked my eBay account via the new feature on the Myibidder app.

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 Mon Sep 11, 2017 07:28 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

The old way of signing to eBay will be removed soon. So as long as you were able to link your eBay account using the new process, you are fine.
Thank you for your follow up and good luck sniping.

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