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General Support for Myibidder service
General Myibidder support
Can't re-link eBay account Thu Nov 21, 2019 01:42 PM Quote
Posts: 1
Member Since: Nov 21, 2019

Hello! I submitted an issue via the web-form (Issue #: 48414).

I am trying to re-link my eBay account to MyiBidder. When I login to MyiBidder and click the "login button," the eBay login page pops up. I enter in my eBay information, and get this page.

I have never had one of these eBay security key fobs that generate six-digit security codes. I cannot get past that page and as a result, cannot re-link my account. I have Googled around and have already determined that putting in random six digit numbers will not work. I have also tried registering my cell phone # for security codes for PayPal, but based on Googling, it seems like this is a eBay issue.

When I try to manually add MyiBidder via the Applications tab in eBay, the application is not there. When I try to click the "manage applications" option, it doesn't do anything. I am using Google Chrome on my laptop.

I have tried to re-link my eBay account via the android app as well, but it does the same thing.

I also followed the forum thread so it is not a simple mistake:

I am posting this to help other users who may have this issue in the future. Also, you can close out my issue since I solved the issue.

I found the answer - it is turn off eBay's two-step-verification that you have enabled (most likely on your eBay phone app). I figured it out after reading the six-digit security key had to do with two-step-verification ( and then connecting the dots and remembering I enabled two-step-verification on the eBay app.

Download eBay PayPal Security Code Fob.jpg
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 Thu Nov 21, 2019 10:09 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Thank you for the post and follow up when you resolved it.

I also added a comment about 2FA to the original post.

Thanks for sharing.

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