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General Support for Myibidder service
Comments, Suggestions and Ideas
Possible improvements Sun May 24, 2020 07:03 PM Quote
Posts: 3
Member Since: May 24, 2020
Location: uk

1. Could you make it possible to manually delete an item watched or pre-sniped list as having both together makes viewing a very long and unwieldy task. It might also be useful to be able to remove just watched list items from the list if like me you enjoy wishful shopping and always have a very very long list lol

2. How about making a multiple item refresh button for active snipes instead of having to go into each snipe individually and do it manually. My mobile version on android did this and it was a godsend ( this would also be useful on the watched list incse prices change)

3. Can you allow a separate watched and sniping list with the option to move a watched item into the sniping list at a later point, very useful and again something I utilised a lot on my free mobile version of Myibidder which I really miss since it became a paid for application

4. Thumbnail item pictures to alleviate all the text which is tiring on the eyes and to allow linking to item on ebay

5.Automatic item removal to another time based list regardless of status in case of loss and the need to check for another of the same. Some of this could be achieved if we could use the database headings of Title, Seller, Curr.Bid, Number Bids, Buy It Now, Qnt, Shipping, Time Left My Bid, My Time, Group to sort items differently depending on individual need. For instance grouping all items by seller would allow you to negotiate lower combined postage or number of bids could tell you if its worth maybe adding a larger bid amount because we can all change our minds about how much we are willing to pay out for an item. Especially if it looks like tyhey are super popular and might sell ot. Of course what you can afford yesterday may not be what you can afford 2 days later, life happens and monies grow lol.

Seems like a lot to ask for but as a disabled user stuck in a room all day this is very useful and much less tiring for me. I sometimes miss out on things because I do not have the strength to reload each item or try and remember how many others where available on my watch list if I lose out.

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 Sun May 24, 2020 10:49 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Thanks for the feedback. I'll go one by one.

1. I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve.
If you need to delete an item from your Watch List, you can do manage it on eBay directly. Your Watch List is stored and controlled by eBay, the sniper has no control over it.
If you need to remove the item from your snipe list, you can remove it from the list individually.

2. Why do you need constantly refreshing the items like this? Please clarify. The mobile version don't do it too.

3. This feature exists in the current mobile app. Just tap the item you want to import so it will get added to your snipe list. The mobile app does not require to pay. You can use it ad-based by watching ads and so use it without paying for it.

4. Thumbnails exist in the mobile app too. Please check. If you don't see it, you may need to enable it in the "Preferences" menu.

5. Why do you need the "time based list" and how is it different from the regular snipe list? I think it will add too much confusions for regular users who don't need it.
Sorting by column is to be added when the whole web interface is re-done (currently, there is a work on it).

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poss improvements Mon May 25, 2020 10:38 AM Quote
Posts: 3
Member Since: May 24, 2020
Location: uk

I was speaking purely of the web based version of myibidder which I am now forced to use in comparison to the earlier free mobile version which I loved.

1. I am not sure how the individual removal works on the website because if I check the radio button at the side there is no indication what I can then do as there is no obvious delete button or bin icon. I am asking that the list is given some control rather than making it rely on ebay for things like watch item removal.

It should not matter what we can do with the eBay lists tbh because it is here that the functionality is needed and here that it should be a little more versatile. I dont want to trawl through the ebay list removing things if I could remove them here. The way the list is organised just muddies the waters if like me you add import watch list and it all becomes one list which it did not do on the older mobile versions of Myibidder. Any change that adds more functionality and gives some minor control over to the user is a good thing because everyone accesses and arranges their lists of bids and watched and possibilities differently. As individuals we all want to have it in a way we can interact with comfortably.

2. The mobile version allowed manual refresh of all items in the bidding list at one time because it couldn't always do it automatically especially if you had network issues or your phone died. Who keeps their laptop running 24/7. I don't as it can be a fire hazard. it needs time to cool after long sessions or you are just wearing the parts out faster and I got that from a computer technician

3. I was asking for this to be a part of the web application not the mobile one because at the moment it isn't and I think its what helps make this feel like an easier app to use. Again its about giving choices and a modicum of control into the hands of the user

4. The others suggestions were to made so as to make it very user friendly and a much more intuitive application to use which at the moment it is not, especially for a disabled person like myself.

5. "Automatic item removal to another time based list regardless of status in case of loss and the need to check for another of the same" Possibly I did not make myself clear in that I wanted a new list of finished lost snipes in order of completion to link to ebay so we could then use the view more like this feature immediately. I like it when you can link over to ebay rather than having to have 2 windows open so that what happens in one window (bids etc) has to be dealt with in another instead of just opening eBay up to the item in question.

Also the android mobile version which I used to have on my phone until recently, when it stopped working, was brilliant but now I have had to purchase credits to use it uninterrupted as I personally don't like ads when I am dealing with bids because its very distracting. There is an issue for me there too because even though I bought credits and it shows as having 30 credits available I am told I need to purchase more all the time. So no its not as free as you make out unless you watch ad after ad after ad or I would still be using it on my phone rather than the clunky version you have here. It worked perfectly until you introduced the pay for or watch ad feature.

Previously I would have ranked it as the best of these apps on mobile that was available out there but not so much now, because of these minor issues with the mobile app and these functional issues with the web based one. It is sad that you seem to to have taken my user suggestions as criticisms against you (which they were not) and decided to be defensive about it all rather than seeing the bigger picture and the many possibilities for improvement of functionality for the user. T

The app alone be it web or mobile was an achievement which you can be proud of but adding improvements by listening to users is an achievement in customer relations as well. Like the speed to which you replied, impressive to say the least and lovely that you were willing to engage in this debate about your app.

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 Mon May 25, 2020 04:30 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

I'm sorry if you see I'm taking it as a criticism. I don't, I'm just trying to clarify on what you need exactly so I can see how to accommodate.

1. You select the checkboxes on the left and then click "X" on the left bottom of the page to confirm the deletion.
I know it's a little bit confusing, but this should be addressed in the UI re-design later on.

Your Watch List and your Snipe list are two separate lists. The sniper does not control your Watch List, this is managed and stored by eBay.
Individuals adds should be addressed in the newer version of the Web UI as well.

2. The mobile version never offered items info update for all items in the list. This is a long process and you would notice it otherwise.
You could refresh items individually only. The refresh button is located on the Snipe screen of each item only.
Not sure what you mean about wearing parts in this case. This does not affect the refreshing of items. If your phone is off, the service would still bid anyway without you having to refresh it constantly.

3. Not in the current version, but expected to be added in the newer version.

4. Same as #3

5. The newer version will have something similar to the mobile apps where you can select "active", "won", "lost", "completed".

As I mentioned before, you can still use the mobile app for free by making it ad-based. Just watch ads and get your free credits without paying for them.
You will still help supporting the service by doing that even though you don't pay for it.
If nobody is going to pay for the coffee in the nearest coffee shop, the shop would close down.
But if nobody is going to pay for the servers, development and maintenance, the service would not exist. Watching ads is one way.

You mentioned some "minor issues in the mobile app". What are the issues? Your message was mainly about the web-based version of the sniper, not the mobile app.
Unless you refer supporting the service as an issue, please clarify.

Again, thank you for sharing your opinion. I appreciate your follow-ups.

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 Mon May 25, 2020 11:14 PM Quote
Posts: 3
Member Since: May 24, 2020
Location: uk

the issue forb me with the mobile app is that i bought 30 credits and it says i have 30 but then when i add a snipe it tells me i dont have enough credits... confused

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 Tue May 26, 2020 12:32 AM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

If you have 30 active items, you can't add more.
You can either temporary deactivate snipes which are ending too far or wait when some listing will be ended and that will release credits for future sniping.

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 Sun Jun 07, 2020 08:04 PM Quote


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 Sun Jun 07, 2020 08:24 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Please provide more information. Your message does not have anything.
You can attach screenshots if not sure how to describe it.

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