Cannot login with changed ebay id | Thu Jul 23, 2020 02:29 PM | |  |
boonkie |
Guest |
I am having troubled logging in to myibidder.com. after I changed my ebay id username. It says wrong user id/password.
Password is the same and I can log into ebay without any issues. This has been an issue for the past 2 weeks. How do I fix this?
| Thu Jul 23, 2020 05:01 PM | |  |
Sashka |
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Posts: 3804 |
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008 |
Location: www.myibidder.com |
Your eBay account should not affect your sniper's account.
What is your sniper's username you are trying to use to login to the sniper?
Did you try to reset your sniper's password and still having the same issue?
| Thu Jul 23, 2020 05:39 PM | |  |
boonkie |
Guest |
I have been using myibidder for years. This actually happened before with myibidder when I changed my ebay id years ago I also had to come here for it to get fixed.
My ebay user id is Boonkie. It is the same user id that I have used to log into ebay. Before I changed my user id on ebay I was able to use my ebay id and password on myibidder as I have been doing for years so I am certain the problem is with myibidder.
| Thu Jul 23, 2020 05:55 PM | |  |
Sashka |
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Posts: 3804 |
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008 |
Location: www.myibidder.com |
I don't need your eBay account, I need your sniper's username. The username you use to login to the sniper.
Please check.
| Thu Jul 23, 2020 06:18 PM | |  |
boonkie |
Guest |
My ebay id and password is the way I have always logged in to myibidder since I have used it for many years. I changed my ebay id and now I cannot log in to myibidder. This has happened before when I changed my ebay user id.
| Thu Jul 23, 2020 06:24 PM | |  |
Sashka |
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Posts: 3804 |
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008 |
Location: www.myibidder.com |
You should always use your sniper's username when you login to the sniper.
Please provide your sniper's username as you logged in when it worked.
Last edited on Thu Jul 23, 2020 06:24 PM.
| Thu Jul 23, 2020 06:34 PM | |  |
Boonkie |
Guest |
There is no sniper's username. Never has been.
Everytime I log in and use myibidder,from myibidder.com I have always used my ebay id and password. It has always worked when I logged in. I placed my snipes on any ebay item I chose. No issues anywhere. At all.
It wasn't until I changed my ebay user id on ebay, that I was no longer able to log into myibidder.com to place my snipes.
| Thu Jul 23, 2020 06:37 PM | |  |
Sashka |
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Posts: 3804 |
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Location: www.myibidder.com |
If you have an account in the sniper, it was assigned to a username. This is your sniper's username. It may or may not match your eBay username.
You always had the sniper's username if you used the sniper in the past. This is how the sniper tracks your items.
You don't login to eBay, you login to the sniper.
Please make sure you use your sniper's username when you login to the sniper.
| Thu Jul 23, 2020 06:55 PM | |  |
boonkie |
Guest |
If there was a random username assigned when I signed up several years ago, I never noticed as I never had to use it.
As I have stated, I have always used my ebay username and password to log into myibidder.com. Always. Never used anything separate. Ever. The only time I have log in issues is when I change my user id on ebay.
I have come here with the same issue years ago. This is me with my previous username prior to this one:
If this in an ongoing bug with myibidder and there is no way of fixing it, it is fine. I loved using the site. I'm just going to have to find another sniper program. Thanks anyway.
| Thu Jul 23, 2020 07:09 PM | |  |
Sashka |
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Posts: 3804 |
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008 |
Location: www.myibidder.com |
As I mentioned earlier, you have to use your sniper's username you used to login to the sniper before.
You don't login to eBay, you login to the sniper.
It's not a "random username". You used a specific username when you logged in to the myibidder.com before, this is what you should use, not your eBay user name as it differs from your sniper's username.
If this is what you do, please provide your username you used to login. It's not your eBay username.
Having a specific username for your account is not a bug, this is how it always worked: you have to have an account in a service to keep a track of your activity.
Last edited on Thu Jul 23, 2020 07:10 PM.
| Thu Jul 23, 2020 07:23 PM | |  |
boonkie |
Guest |
I'm not sure if you are understanding what I am explaining is the issue?
I have never ever in all of my years of using myibidder.com had a separate username than what I use for ebay.
I am aware that I am not logging into ebay when I log into myibidder.com.
I use the same username/password for both myibidder.com as I use on ebay. Since the beginning. Never any other way.
I changed my ebay id, as per the link if you care to view it, and had the same issue. That leads me to believe it is indeed a myibidder bug.
If it cannot be fixed it is fine. This back and forth is getting no where. Thanks anyway.
| Thu Jul 23, 2020 07:30 PM | |  |
Sashka |
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Posts: 3804 |
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Location: www.myibidder.com |
Your username you used to login to the sniper is your separate sniper's username. You always had it and you always used to login to the sniper.
It just happen to be your eBay username at that moment, but since your eBay username was changed and your sniper's username did not, then you keep using your sniper's username to login to the sniper.
It's not a bug, this is your sniper's username which is your sniper's account.
Please do use your sniper's username as you always used in the past. It sounds like you keep using your new eBay username instead.
I asked a few times to provide your sniper's username, but you did not so I can't really check, that's why I only suspect that this is what you do.
Last edited on Thu Jul 23, 2020 07:30 PM.
| Thu Jul 23, 2020 07:47 PM | |  |
boonkie |
Guest |
I have stated numerous times my login for myibidder.com is the same as my login for ebay.
If you scroll above you will see that I stated my user id as: boonkie (same as it is on ebay)
If also scroll above you will see that I posted a forum link where I had the exact same issue years ago with myibidder. I tried and did the exact actions listed in that thread.
Honestly, this back and forth seems futile and draining. I will just find another sniper. Thanks.
| Thu Jul 23, 2020 07:54 PM | |  |
Sashka |
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Posts: 3804 |
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008 |
Location: www.myibidder.com |
You said you changed your eBay username, so your sniper's username does not match your eBay username anymore.
You always used your sniper's username to login to the sniper, and used eBay username to login to eBay.
Before the change, it would not matter which one is which as these were the same.
Now since your usernames are different, you need to make sure you use your sniper's username to login to the sniper, and use your eBay username to login to eBay.
If you use eBay username for your sniper's login or vice versa, it will not work.
"boonkie" is your eBay username, not your sniper's username.
This is not a bug. eBay would not work too if you try to login to eBay using your sniper's username instead of your actual eBay username.
| Thu Jul 23, 2020 08:10 PM | |  |
boonkie |
Guest |
It is the exact same issue I had before. Please view the link I provided. The old ebay name I used does not work on myibidder.com. That is what I used prior to the change obviously.
The link I provided shows the same thing I'm doing now as it is the same issue.You did not state anything regarding a separate username in that thread. I hope you understand after you view the line I provided above.
| Thu Jul 23, 2020 09:17 PM | |  |
Sashka |
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Posts: 3804 |
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008 |
Location: www.myibidder.com |
The topic you references earlier is a several years old and not relevant in this case.
I'm not sure why you keep using your eBay username and not your sniper's username when you login to the sniper.
You don't login to eBay, you login to the sniper.
Please do use your sniper's username when you login to the sniper. Your eBay credentials are for using on eBay website only, it won't work anywhere else.
Last edited on Thu Jul 23, 2020 09:18 PM.
| Thu Jul 23, 2020 11:32 PM | |  |
boonkie |
Guest |
I feel that link is very relevant if I am having the same exact issue as I did then.
It is obvious there is no fix for this as you are asking for information I have already provided numerous times throughout this thread. You are talking in redundant circles. Thanks anyway. Take care.
| Thu Jul 23, 2020 11:44 PM | |  |
Sashka |
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Posts: 3804 |
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008 |
Location: www.myibidder.com |
The issue listed in your link is because some eBay account got blocked for one reason or another.
The issue you are having is because you started using a different username to login to the sniper.
You started using your eBay username when you login to the sniper instead of using your sniper's username as you always did in the past.
I can't fix it for you as you are the one who put the username when login to the sniper. I can't force it for obvious reasons, I can only recommend what you need to do to login to your sniper's account.
You still did not try it. Please do try.
I'm "talking in circles" because you still did not follow up on my suggestion.
Please do use your sniper's account when you login to the sniper, and use your eBay account when you login to eBay. Do not mix them. Each works for its purpose and you can't interchange them between services (unless you specifically set them to match, but this is not your case).
Please note any other service would not work if you just switch your login username at some point while your account is still using your current username.
For example, if you have and then you try to login to it using new, then it will fail too.
Please keep it in mind. This is not how Myibidder works, but the majority of other services.
Last edited on Thu Jul 23, 2020 11:48 PM.
| Fri Jul 24, 2020 07:42 PM | |  |
boonkie |
Guest |
Ok I will explain 1 last time. I changed my ebay id and now I cannot login into myibidder. I have always logged in with the same credentials from ebay on myibdder.com.
Now both the old and new myibdder/ebay usernames and password do not work when I try to log into myibidder.com It says wrong user id password everytime. I have never used anything separate. Ever.
I cannot log in and use snipes.
I hope you understand now.If not I am sorry. I am no longer interested in this matter any further as there is no fix and will find another sniper.
Please take care.
| Sat Jul 25, 2020 12:47 AM | |  |
Sashka |
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Posts: 3804 |
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008 |
Location: www.myibidder.com |
You have to use the same username as you always logged in to the sniper, meaning you need to use your sniper's username to login.
Instead, you use your new eBay username to login to the sniper. This is why you could not login as you can't use your eBay username to login anywhere else besides eBay itself.
Please do use your sniper's username as you always did in the past. This is the same exact username as you used (not your eBay username).
If you can't login to the sniper using your sniper's (not eBay) username, that means you are using incorrect password. So it's just a matter of resetting your sniper's (not eBay) password.
Please check.
This is not a bug. You have to use the correct username when you login to the appropriate service. You use gmail credentials for gmail account, eBay credentials for eBay login and sniper's credentials for login to the sniper.
This is by design. Any other sniper would not allow different username to login to another account.