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General Support for Myibidder service
General Myibidder support
Thought I cancelled a snipe Sun May 29, 2022 06:14 PM Quote

I had two snipes active, one of which was for a pair of shoues and the other for slippers. They were both for my wife, who subsequently, after I'd placed a snipe, decided that she didn't want to bid on the shoes.
Yesterday, probably less than 24 hours before the bidding ended I did what I thought was to cancel the snipe - but regardless, the snipe was placed and we won the bidding.
Can someone please tell me why: confirm to me that I closed the bid on the shoes by clicking in the box alongside the item: or if that's wrong, then how does one remove a snipe?
And if everything I did was right then what happened?

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 Sun May 29, 2022 07:04 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Your message is confusing. You said you've done something to cancel it, but you did not describe what was done exactly.
You mentioned clicking a box, but you did not explain what box you clicked.
Unfortunately, I can't really say if that was the right way or not.

Also, you did not provide the item number so I can't really confirm that you cancelled it or not.
Please provide the information or let me know if you need any help finding it.

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