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Myibidder Support for Web-based service
Web-based interface support
Is the site still operational? Why cant i see my MaxBid-amount in the overview? Sat Dec 09, 2023 07:03 PM Quote

i havent been active on ebay for a couple of years (5?), but used myibidder in the past.

now i have a couple of questions:
1. is your site still fully operational?
I ask because:
- your last news are from 2017
- your font is not dynamic and is TINY on high dpi displays and you still use a static 800x600 layout, that was outdated 20 years ago, sorry :-)
- the website looks like 5 years ago... no changes?
- the MaxBid issue, see 2.

2. why cant i see my MaxBid in the Overview?
I am not sure, but werent we able to see the MaxBid on an item in the overview?
Without this, myibidder becomes pretty much useless, because i cant see my actual SniperBid!
If i press "snipe" the current MaxBid is shown with 0.00€, so i cant even check what price is used...
Under "Profile" there is no column-option for MaxBid!
So in summary:
I cant see my own MaxBid, i cant check it, i cant see if the item really is active and i cant validate if myibidder is actuall using the RIGHT amount on the snipe...
This cant be right, or is it?!

greetings from hamburg, germany

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 Sat Dec 09, 2023 07:46 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

1. Yes, it's still functional. If you need to see the latest activity, check the stats instead of news.
Sniping service is one of those things which can work without any major news when done properly. Most work is done internally and just not worths making it as a news.

Regarding the old design. Did you try v2 or you are actually referring to v2 design?

2. Not sure what you mean. Did you enable "My Bid" in the list of visible columns and you still don't see it?
Please confirm.
If you did not set your snipe amount, it may show as "0.00". You need to specify the amount you want to bid up to. If your snipe is not set, the "My Bid" column would still be visible, but it will show "no" because it's not set.

Last edited on Sat Dec 09, 2023 07:46 PM.
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 Sat Dec 09, 2023 08:26 PM Quote

thanx for the fast answer :-)

1. v2?
I meant the website ->
The design could reeeeeeally use an update :-)
For example:
- I use groups, and my groupnames have basic infos like the price range, so i end up with 6+ lines in the table, because the group-column is so narrow, not to add as mentioned the tiny fonts and static design...

I added the item by adding the
-> ID, the ebay-ID
-> "My Max Bid", e.g. = 15,50€
After that "My Bid" in the table is shown as 0.00€

When i hit "snipe" i see the correct item and
- "Activate Snipe" is set
- My Maximum Bid is shown as 0.00€
-> i change the amount to 15,50€ and after that, "My Bid" in the is shown again as 0.00€ :-(

>>>> OHHHH, i GOT it !!!
I used 15,50€ (the numpad)-> instead of 15.50€ !!!!!
Its working with "." instead of "," :-D

Maybe you could activate an error message when someone uses a "," ... or convert it silently to a "."?

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 Sat Dec 09, 2023 08:45 PM Quote

oh, V2 ... i see - a new design :-)
yepp, looks much better!
... but the group-column is still narrow, same as v1

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 Sat Dec 09, 2023 08:55 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

I believe columns are more or less self-adjustable. If you have more data in it, the column should become wider.
I expect to add the ability to adjust width of columns manually.

Not sure why you keep adding the Euro symbol. When you bid on eBay directly, you don't add the currency, right? So you don't need to do it in the sniper.
Please check.
The comma is taken from your browser. I guess your browser reports "." as the decimal separator.

Last edited on Sat Dec 09, 2023 08:58 PM.
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