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General Support for Myibidder service
General Myibidder support
Current bid price on myibay is different than on ebay Tue Sep 02, 2008 02:22 AM Quote

For item 260278744092

on myibay gui, i see the current bid price stay at 35 for a few days already but on ebay it actually increased to 80 something. What's going on here?

Also the history is weird, its showing like the following.
How could this happen that a bid on aug 25 showing up while in the past a few days the same guy was getting over bidded?

o***b( 32Feedback score is 10 to 49) US $86.01
Aug-25-08 08:34:27 PDT

3***6( 56Feedback score is 50 to 99) US $85.01
Sep-01-08 19:04:37 PDT

o***b( 32 ) US $81.00
Aug-25-08 08:34:27 PDT

3***6( 56Feedback score is 50 to 99) US $80.00
Aug-31-08 20:57:09 PDT

o***b( 32 ) US $61.00
Aug-25-08 08:34:27 PDT

3***6( 56Feedback score is 50 to 99) US $60.00
Aug-31-08 20:56:57 PDT

o***b( 32 ) US $51.00
Aug-25-08 08:34:27 PDT

3***6( 56Feedback score is 50 to 99) US $50.00
Aug-31-08 20:56:40 PDT

o***b( 32 ) US $43.00
Aug-25-08 08:34:27 PDT

3***6( 56Feedback score is 50 to 99) US $42.00
Aug-31-08 20:56:21 PDT

o***b( 32 ) US $37.00
Aug-25-08 08:34:27 PDT

s***b( 5 ) US $36.00
Aug-25-08 10:56:32 PDT

o***b( 32 ) US $35.00
Aug-25-08 08:34:27 PDT

Starting Price US $35.00
Aug-23-08 20:48:50 PDT

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 Tue Sep 02, 2008 04:14 AM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

For item 260278744092

on myibay gui, i see the current bid price stay at 35 for a few days already but on ebay it actually increased to 80 something. What's going on here?

Please check this FAQ section for more information regarding this issue:

Also the history is weird, its showing like the following.
How could this happen that a bid on aug 25 showing up while in the past a few days the same guy was getting over bidded?

Seems like this bidder placed two bids (one after another).
One bid is $37, while another bid is $86.01 or higher.

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Current Bids Not Current Wed Oct 01, 2008 11:55 PM Quote
Posts: 9
Member Since: Sep 02, 2008
Location: Australia

Hi Sashka,
In the following Q&A you say that if you click the "Refresh" button then the current bids will be updated. Well....... It doesn't update them on my screen. I am using the latest version of Firefox & I'm sniping on the Australian eBay, could this be a cache issue? If so how can I overcome it? I have tried using Shift + Refresh so that it re-loads the cache but this also doesn't seem to work either.

It would be nice to have an updated view of all my snipes with their current/latest biding price.

Q: Why "current bid" is not current?
A: Current bid is for informational purposes only and does not affect your snipes in any way.

Automatically the "Current bid" field is updated about 1-2 times per day only on low-priority basis (this way high-priority goes to your snipes) and at the end of the auction.
Manually, you can do it by clicking "Refresh" button in the "Snipe" window or by adding the item id anew.

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 Wed Oct 01, 2008 11:58 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

pearcer69 wrote:
In the following Q&A you say that if you click the "Refresh" button then the current bids will be updated. Well....... It doesn't update them on my screen.

Seems like you are using "Refresh" button on your browser.
There is a "Refresh" button for each auction when you click "Snipe".
Please check.

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 Thu Oct 02, 2008 12:04 AM Quote
Posts: 9
Member Since: Sep 02, 2008
Location: Australia

Sashka wrote:
pearcer69 wrote:
In the following Q&A you say that if you click the "Refresh" button then the current bids will be updated. Well....... It doesn't update them on my screen.

Seems like you are using "Refresh" button on your browser.
There is a "Refresh" button for each auction when you click "Snipe".
Please check.

Last edited on Thu Oct 02, 2008 12:10 AM.
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 Thu Oct 02, 2008 12:12 AM Quote
Posts: 9
Member Since: Sep 02, 2008
Location: Australia

Hi Sashka,
I'm a qualified System Administrator/Systems Engineer so I have a fair idea of how things

No my friend I'm not using the "Refresh" button on my browser.
The page I'm talking about is the main page where all my snipes are listed. Oops,My mistake, I was talking about the "Update Status" button, on the main interface page of the web version not the refresh button.
Hope this helps :-)

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 Thu Oct 02, 2008 01:13 AM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Correct, "Update Status" is for updating status (like payment status).
The "Refresh" button is located on the Details page (when you click "Snipe" button).
Please let me know if you want me to make a screenshoot or something.

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 Thu Oct 02, 2008 01:27 AM Quote

Sashka wrote:
Correct, "Update Status" is for updating status (like payment status).
The "Refresh" button is located on the Details page (when you click "Snipe" button).
Please let me know if you want me to make a screenshoot or something.

It might be an idea to have a "Refresh Current Bid Status" button on the main page. This way when you have 20 snipes running you don't have to update each one individually.

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 Thu Oct 02, 2008 03:54 AM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

I can't have it as it takes too much resources (please check that FAQ section I mentioned above).
Imagine what if you have 300 items in your list.
Your snipes has higher priority than updating a current bid.

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 Thu Oct 02, 2008 05:14 AM Quote
Posts: 9
Member Since: Sep 02, 2008
Location: Australia

Sashka wrote:
I can't have it as it takes too much resources (please check that FAQ section I mentioned above).
Imagine what if you have 300 items in your list.
Your snipes has higher priority than updating a current bid.

I understand that but all I'm saying is it's going to take a lot less resources if you do it in one push of a button instead of 300 times. I still have the starting price of items showing on mine. The price went up on the day of listing (10 day listing)and they still haven't updated 9 day's later........

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 Thu Oct 02, 2008 05:24 AM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

I have schedule updates about 1-2 times per day.
Your snipe should not be affected by the current bid. If it does, you are involved into bidding wars and that against the whole idea of sniping.

I'm sorry, I can't do one button for all. You have to choose auctions you need to refresh.
This is the only way to avoid people to abuse refreshing.

Your own snipe need those CPU/Network resources. The current bid should not affect your snipe anyway.

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