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General Support for Myibidder service
General Myibidder support
 Mon Aug 25, 2014 07:04 PM Quote
Posts: 6
Member Since: Aug 24, 2014

Gixen has problems, too. Even with mirror server subscribers. Mario (site admin for Gixen) is trying to mitigate all issues right now.

eBay is implementing now a new system, that automatically checks user activity (IP addresses, actions, etc.) and something triggers from time to time this demands for verifications from user side.

I think this system invokes verifications on maybe 10% of eBay user accounts per day. So there is a good chance that your sniper will place your bid. But no guarantees. And I strongly beleive that it will take time for all sniper tools to sync up with new eBay approach.

So, for Sashka - sorry, mate, it is too early to say that "it's all fine now". It only means that eBay system allows some accounts to be involved in sniping activities. But no guarantees that tomorrow it will allow this again.

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 Mon Aug 25, 2014 07:12 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Agree. We never know what will happen tomorrow. By saying "it's fine now" I just meant "it works now".
Of course, we have no way to know what eBay will change in the future.

I still think it was just a bug on eBay's side, not a real verification system in place. I triggered the same thing on my own account and I could not pass the verification due to captcha loop (I got captcha over and over again, no matter if I solved it or not).

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 Mon Aug 25, 2014 07:32 PM Quote
Posts: 16
Member Since: Aug 23, 2014
Location: London

I just won yet another sniper auction with Gixen. That's 10/10 auctions I've won with that sniper for myself and friends over yesterday and today. Compare that to 0/6 with myibidder over the past 3 or 4 days. (All of which were refused ebay access for password/verification problems.)

Speaks for itself. No way is all SIX (in just 2 or 3 days) of my myibidder snipes being declined reflective of an ebay 10% chance selection for verification by them.

Sort it out Sashka!!!!

Last edited on Mon Aug 25, 2014 07:34 PM.
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 Mon Aug 25, 2014 07:42 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

I see you set 3 snipes with Myibidder for today and you won all 3. Why do you still say it does not work? That's definitely not true.

If the whole idea of all your messages is to advertise another sniper this way, please don't.

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 Mon Aug 25, 2014 07:43 PM Quote
Posts: 6
Member Since: Aug 24, 2014

Sashka wrote:
I still think it was just a bug on eBay's side, not a real verification system in place.

No. Actually, this is buggy verification system :) And this verification system will be updated, improved, etc. "This is not a bug, this is feature!" - an old programmer's joke :)

Jessica, I will try to snipe today with Gixen (paid version) and will share my results.

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 Mon Aug 25, 2014 07:50 PM Quote
Posts: 16
Member Since: Aug 23, 2014
Location: London

Thanks Alex.

I just won another two auctions with Gixen (paid version) since my last post just a few moments' ago. This reliability is getting way too addictive ;-)

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 Mon Aug 25, 2014 07:52 PM Quote
Posts: 16
Member Since: Aug 23, 2014
Location: London

Sashka - I won the the auctions since the snipes went through on!

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 Mon Aug 25, 2014 07:53 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Jessica8789 wrote:
Sashka - I won the the auctions since the snipes went through on!

Nope, they did not. Check the status on another sniper and compare with the status on Myibidder.

I even have screenshots so I can confirm it you are not telling the truth for whatever reason.

I even see you won a lot of snipes in the past, more than a dozen, but you still say Myibidder does not work.

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 Mon Aug 25, 2014 07:58 PM Quote
Posts: 16
Member Since: Aug 23, 2014
Location: London

Sashka - I won the the auctions since the snipes went through on!

And I think it's clear from all my above posts - and my history with you of having over 75 snipes - that I am merely an EXTREMELY frustrated (now former) myibidder user. Of course I'm not trying to advertise another sniper. That's just offensive. Please stop saying that. If you bothered to read the above messages, you'd see I simply responded to another poster (teenagemutant1, posting on p.2 of this feed) asking for alternatives, out of their own desperate state.

Again. Not a helpful attitude Sashka. You really need to learn to talk to your (paying) users more politely and with a bit less loose my view anyways!!

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 Mon Aug 25, 2014 08:00 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Please check the status messages on another sniper and compare to what you see on Myibidder.
Those 3 items were won by Myibidder. You did not set anything else for today.

Also, all other snipers had the same issue this weekend. If you would set the same snipes for the past weekend, you would see the same issue. Please check forum on another snipers to confirm.
Or you can ask Mario directly if you think those reports are not real. Please do.

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 Mon Aug 25, 2014 08:03 PM Quote
Posts: 16
Member Since: Aug 23, 2014
Location: London

Sashka - For goodness sake! Are you being utterly silly now on purpose? I can show you a screenshot of all the snipes going theory on I sat here and watched them also.

In any event, what are you saying? That my, and all the above users' problems with your sniper are made up? I suggest you use your time more obstructively and start addressing the modifications your App so plainly requires in order to function reliably, rather than posting unhelpful and objectionable comments to your paying customers.

This is getting ridiculous now. You are plainly not interested in resolving the issues.

Last edited on Mon Aug 25, 2014 08:04 PM.
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 Mon Aug 25, 2014 08:06 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

I never said you made up the issue. I confirmed there was an issue with eBay and all snipers had it.
I'm sure you confirmed it on the forum of other snipers too.
If you did not do it, please do. This will serve you as a confirmation that the issue was not inside of Myibidder, but it affected many other snipers.
Please check.

I have no problems with you switching to another sniper -- that's why we all have a choice, which is good.
I just want you to know that if eBay is having issues, no sniper can go around it.

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what the heck Tue Aug 26, 2014 02:31 AM Quote

I too just lost an auction because of some eBay verification code thing mentioned in the "buy" area of myibidder. The problem is obviously still there.

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 Tue Aug 26, 2014 04:37 AM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Yes, unfortunately, I saw two more spikes of the issue today.
I called eBay again to report the issue is still there. They said they should resolve it in 24 hours. We'll see.

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 Tue Aug 26, 2014 06:02 AM Quote

luv2shopwife wrote:
I too just lost an auction because of some eBay verification code thing mentioned in the "buy" area of myibidder. The problem is obviously still there.

If you go on ebay own boards you will see complaints that people can't bid directly on the site. So clearly it is a problem of ebay's doing. FWIW, I can no longer place bids from IE11 - I'm stuck in the login loop.

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 Tue Aug 26, 2014 07:12 AM Quote
Posts: 6
Member Since: Aug 24, 2014

As promised, sharing this night results:

1. Gixen. 9 bids, all successfully placed.

2. Myibidder. 7 bids, 6 successfully placed, 1 - error "eBay requires verification code"

I strongly beleive that both Gixen and Myibidder cannot guarantee you sniping bid right now. Yes, Gixen has slightly higher success rate than Myibidder when you pay for mirror server option. So this is all about numbers. Something like "success rate 95% vs. success rate 90%" (just my guess, not real numbers!). But no guarantees. If you really need particular item - just think about your own risk management or place bid manually (100% success rate).

Last edited on Tue Aug 26, 2014 07:14 AM.
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 Tue Aug 26, 2014 03:07 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Mykey wrote:
If you go on ebay own boards you will see complaints that people can't bid directly on the site. So clearly it is a problem of ebay's doing. FWIW, I can no longer place bids from IE11 - I'm stuck in the login loop.

Hopefully, that will bring extra attention to eBay about the issue so they can properly address it and resolve it.

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 Tue Aug 26, 2014 03:10 PM Quote
Posts: 3804
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Completely agree.

Snipers offer you better deals in exchange for a higher risk.
If you are not willing to take any risk, then you have to bid manually, early and high.

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 Sun Sep 07, 2014 08:31 PM Quote

Problem not resolved yet. 3 auctions - not succesful due to verification code problem..

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eBay Verification Problems Sun Sep 07, 2014 09:18 PM Quote
Posts: 1
Member Since: Aug 22, 2014

I have been losing about 1 in 10 auctions due to eBay verification problems.
I started using Gixen a few days ago and have won all bids that wre winning bids. No eBay verification problems.
I like Myibidder, but will use Gixen until I read that the problems with My I bidder are no longer happening.

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